Inserting palette objects into a visual project

From the Palette view, you can insert any graphical object that is listed into your visual project.

About this task

All objects from the Palette view can be inserted in a visual dashboard. Not all objects available from the Palette view can be inserted in a visual report. The objects that cannot be inserted in a visual report have interactive properties, and it does not make sense to insert them in visual reports because visual reports are not interactive.

To insert a graphical object into a visual project perform the following procedure:


  1. Open the Palette view.

    Generally, the Palette view opens within the editor window when the visual project is active.

    If the Palette view is not opened, open it using the following method:
    1. Select Window > Open perspective > Visual Designer
    2. With the Visual Designer perspective open, select Window > Show View > Other
    3. From the Show View window, select General > Palette and click OK

      The Palette view opens.

  2. In the editor window, select the visual report page or visual dashboard scene to which you want to add the object. If the page or scene is not open in the editor, then double-click the page or scene in the Project Explorer.
  3. There are two ways that you can insert an object into the editor window:
    • From the Palette view, click the object that you want to insert into your visual project, then click in the editor window. A representation of the object is drawn on the canvas for the currently active visual project element that is in the editor window. The object is positioned in a default location and drawn to a default size. The properties of the object are displayed in the Properties view. The name of the object is added to the Project Explorer tree.
    • From the Palette view, click the object in that you want to insert into your visual project, then, click in the editor window, and drag diagonally across a rectangular area to define the location and size of the object. A representation of the object is drawn on the canvas positioned in the location that you have drawn at the size you have drawn. The properties of the object are displayed in the Properties view. The name of the object is added to the Project Explorer tree.
  4. After inserting your object, you can modify the object's properties using the Properties view.
  5. To alter the presentation of the objects as they appear in the Palette view, right-click anywhere in the Palette view to open a pop-up menu. Depending on how you want to view the objects in the Palette view, select one of the commands that are offered in the pop-up menu.