Exporting update scripts

Use the Export Update Script feature to apply product updates to all your repository storages and QMF catalogs when you installed a product update.

About this task

The scripts that are generated by the Export Update Script feature automate the process for updating table structures, rebinding packages, and re-creating stored procedures.

The maximal line length of the DDL scripts that are generated by this feature is determined by the value set in the Line width field on the General Preferences page. For more information, see Setting general preferences.For more information, see Setting general preferences in the user help.

To generate the update scripts in the newly installed product version, perform the following procedure:


  1. From the main menu, select File > Export, select Export Update Script, and click Next.

    The Export Storage Update Scripts wizard opens.

  2. In the Repository Storages table, select the repository storages that you want to update. Use Select All and Deselect All buttons for more convenient selection.
  3. In the Settings pane, specify the following settings for the repository storages:
    (Use the same settings for all selected storages.)
    • Protect using: Stored procedures or Static SQL Packages to set the protection method for the newly installed version of the product.
    • Collection ID for packages to set the collection ID for the packages to update.
    • Owner ID for packages to set the owner ID for the packages to update if it is necessary to change a default.
    • Grant permission on packages to to specify particular users and groups for which you are granting permissions. Users and groups must be separated by commas.
    • Database username to set the username that is used to access the databases.
    • Database password to set the password that is used to access the databases.
  4. Click Next
  5. In the QMF Catalogs table, select the QMF catalogs to update. Use Select All and Deselect All buttons for more convenient selection.

    All settings on the Repository Storages wizard page by default are duplicated on the QMF Catalogs page.

    • Protect using: Stored procedures or Static SQL Packages to set the protection method for the newly installed version of the product.
    • Collection ID for packages to set the collection ID for the packages to update.
    • Owner ID for packages to set the owner ID for the packages to update if it is necessary to change a default.
    • Grant permission on packages to to specify particular users and groups for which you are granting permissions. Users and groups must be separated by commas.
    • Database username to set the username that is used to access the databases.
    • Database password to set the password that is used to access the databases.
  6. Click Finish to generate the files to update repository storages and QMF catalogs.
    The following files are generated and stored in a directory of your choosing:
    • Database update SQL (.ddl files)
    • Package installation properties (.bndtask) files
    • Package installation scripts (bind.bat and bind.sh)
    • Repository connections configuration file (repositories.xml)

      This file updates configuration of existing and updated installations of the product.

    Note: The: .ddl scripts must be run first to avoid errors. The names of the .ddl and .bndtask files are generated in the following format:
    • <host>_<port>_<database>_repository.ddl
    • <host>_<port>_<database>_repository.bndtask