Scheduling local tasks

To schedule a task to run, use the application schedule task window or the schedule window that is specific to your operating system.

Before you begin

You must have a task to schedule.

About this task

If you select Native on the General tab in the Preferences window, QMF integrates with the built-in scheduler of the operating system to schedule tasks. For more information about the built-in scheduler that is available, check your operating system documentation, or use the context help in the scheduler window.

If you select QMF for Workstation scheduler on the General tab in the Preferences window, the application schedule task window opens.

To schedule a task with QMF for Workstation scheduler, complete the following steps:


  1. Select View > Scheduled Tasks.
    The Task List window opens.
  2. On the Local tasks tab, select the task that you want to schedule and click Schedule Task.
    Restriction: When connected to a Derby database, local tasks have the following restrictions:
    • You cannot execute several local tasks at the same time.
    • Local tasks are not executed when the application is running.
  3. Specify the operating system user name and password in the User and Password fields.
  4. Optional: In the Working directory field, specify the directory for temporary files, which are created during the task execution.
    • Select the Delete when done check box to delete the task from the scheduler window after its execution.
    • Select the Run only if logged on check box to run the task only if the user with the credentials that were specified in the User and Password fields is logged on the operating system.
    • Select the Disabled check box to disable the task execution.
  5. Specify the schedules that you want to apply to the task in the Schedules list.
  6. To add a schedule, click Add Schedule.
  7. Optional: To remove a schedule, which you do not need, click Remove Schedule.
  8. Select the execution frequency of the task from the Type of schedule list.
  9. Specify the schedule details. The options may vary depending on the selected execution frequency.
    1. Time zone: Specifies time zone for scheduling tasks. The values are sorted as per UTC time. Select the time zone for the scheduled task. For example, if you want to schedule a task according to the New York time zone, while being in India, you can do so by selecting the time zone as America/New_York from the Time zone drop-down.
      Note: For QMF for WebSphere®, the default value of the time zone is set as per the time zone of the browser. For QMF for Workstation, the default value of the time zone is set as per the time zone of the operating system.
    2. Specify Begin time and other details for scheduling your tasks depending on the execution frequency selected.
    3. Local Time: Specifies the begin time for the scheduled task as per the system from which the task is being scheduled.
  10. Click OK to close the scheduler window.