Codes to insert specific data in a page header and footer

You can use special codes to insert specific data in a header or footer.

When you print a visual query result set or a quick report, you might want to add some data like the document name or the total number of printed pages to the page header or footer. To do this, you can use special codes that are described in the following table:
Table 1. Codes to insert specific data
Code Description
&f Prints the name of the object.
&n Prints the current page number.
&N Prints the total number of pages.
&d Prints the current date.
&t Prints the current time.
&< Prints the number of the first printed page.
&> Prints the number of the last printed page.
&& Prints a single ampersand.
&| Defines the border of the left, central and right parts of a header or footer.


&| &n The current page number is printed in the center of a header (footer).
&| &| &d The current date is printed on the right side of the header (footer).
&f &| &| &d The object name is printed on the left side of the header (footer); and the current date is printed on the right side of the header (footer).