Setting log preferences
You use the Log page of the Preferences window to activate a log file that will track QMF processing information.
About this task
To specify the log file preferences for the QMF session:
Name | Description |
log | This is a root category. |
log.api | This category logs messages or exceptions related to API calls. The information from Java Class API is added to this category. |
log.api.qmfwin | This category logs messages or exceptions related to QMF API calls. |
log.audit | This category logs messages or exceptions related to the audit system. |
log.cache | This category logs exceptions and messages of query results cache. |
log.calculator | This category logs the work of the calculator which is used in visual projects. |
log.canvas | This category logs messages and exceptions related to canvas. |
log.cloudantDB | This category logs the work with Cloudant databases and Cloudant queries. |
log.config | This category logs the reading or writing configuration information. |
log.context_service | This category logs the service of repository contexts. |
log.database | This category logs the database access operations and the work with a database. |
log.database.common_errors | This category logs miscellaneous errors that occur on the database access layer. |
log.database. connection_pool_ex |
This category logs the work of database connection pool. |
log.database.connections | This category logs the information on the connection management. |
log.database.descriptors | This category logs the server descriptors information. |
log.database.drda | This category logs the work of Db2 DRDA driver. |
log.database.driver | This category logs JDBC drivers messages and records the JDBC library loader. |
log.database.driverloader | This category logs the information from JDBC driver libraries class loader. It is used together with log.database.driver. |
log.database.edit | This category logs the table editing operations. |
log.database.jdbc | This category logs the execution of dynamic SQL queries. |
log.database.sqlj | This category logs the execution of static SQL packages and stored procedures. |
log.design_view | This category logs messages and exceptions related to design view. |
log.displayMode | This category logs messages and exceptions related to display modes in analytical queries. |
log.displayMode.chart | This category logs messages and exceptions related to the chart display mode. |
log.displayMode.scenario | This category logs messages and exceptions related to drill-down paths. |
log.drda_service | This category logs messages and exceptions related to QMF JDBC service. |
log.environment | This category logs environment information of the application. |
log.exception | This category logs the appearing exceptions. |
log.export | This category logs messages and exceptions related to export to Excel. |
log.forecast | This category logs messages and exceptions related to forecasts. |
log.formula | This category logs messages and exceptions related to formulas used in calculated columns. |
log.grid | This category logs the runtime exceptions and messages related to query results grid. |
log.importer | This category logs the information of the import operations. |
log.install | This category logs the installation process of stored procedures. |
log.install.customizer | This category logs package customization. It is proper for Db2 systems only, as it logs the work of the external SQL profiles in the process of the customization. |
log.job_scheduler | |
log.js | This category logs messages and exceptions related to all JavaScript features. |
log.js.js_api | This category logs messages and exceptions related to Scene Script in visual dashboards. |
log.js.js_metadatalayer | This category logs messages and exceptions related to JavaScript tables. |
log.js.js_modules | This category logs messages and exceptions related to JavaScript modules. |
log.js.js_procedures | This category logs messages and exceptions related to JavaScript procedures. |
log.legacy converter | This category logs runtime exceptions and messages for utilities that convert legacy objects into visual projects when they are imported. |
log.license | This category logs product licenses related runtime exceptions and messages. |
log.limits | This category logs the runtime exceptions and messages related to resource limits. |
log.limits.editor | This category logs the runtime exceptions and messages related to resource limits editor. |
log.mailer | This category logs messages and exceptions that are related to sending the data from the application by email. |
log.messages | This category logs messages displayed to users. |
log.metadatalayer | This category logs the general functionality of Virtual data sources. |
log.metadatalayer.optimize | This category logs the optimization system of Virtual data sources. |
log.metadatalayer.scheduling | This category logs the work of a scheduler for Virtual data sources. | | This category logs messages and exceptions that are related to server-client communication. |
log.net_activity | This category logs the amount of data that the server and the client exchange. |
log.olap_core_logger_category | This category logs the work of XMLA queries and XMLA editor. |
log.procedureDesigner | This category logs messages and exceptions that are related to the work with procedures in design mode. |
log.prompt_hierarchy | This category logs messages and exceptions related to prompt hierarchies. |
log.prompts | This category logs messages and exceptions related to prompts. |
log.qmf | This category logs QMF objects issues. |
log.qmfz | This category logs messages and exceptions related to QMF Z Client service. |
log.qmf.command_processor | This category logs procedure information. |
log.qmf_server_registry | This category logs messages and exceptions related to the selected QMF Server Registry. |
log.queryEngine | This category logs runtime exceptions and messages related to the query. |
log.queryEngine. localQueryEngine |
This category logs server related runtime exceptions and messages for the local part of query. |
log.queryEngine. localQueryEngine.localQEWarnings |
This category logs runtime exceptions and messages related to the warnings in resource limits. |
log.queryEngine. localQueryEngine.storedProcedures |
This category is not used. |
log.queryEngine.remoteQEServer | This category logs server related runtime exceptions and messages for the remote part of query. |
log.queryEngine.remoteQEServer. QERequestResponseServer |
This category logs requests and responses between remote and local parts of a query in case of network or web-service connection. |
log.quick_report | This category logs messages and exceptions related to quick reports. | designer | This category logs the events of visual projects in design mode. |
log.reporter | This category logs the exceptions and messages appearing in the visual projects module. |
log.reporter.reporter_data_cache | This category logs the cache work of query results in visual projects. |
log.reporter.reporter_mobile_viewer | This category logs the module that processes the connections from mobile devices (for example, iPad). |
log.reporter.reporter_maps | This category logs the map data in Visual Projects. |
log.reporter.reporter_queries | This category logs the work with queries in visual projects. |
log.reporter.reporter_runtime | This category logs runtimes evaluation in visual projects. |
log.reporter.reporter_runtime. reporter_canvas |
This category logs the runtimes evaluation of canvas. |
log.reporter.reporter_runtime. reporter_queries_thread_manager |
This category logs messages and exceptions related to queries that are run from visual dashboards. |
log.reporter.reporter_runtime. reporter_renderer |
This category logs messages and exceptions related to individual components of a visual dashboard. |
log.reporter.reporter_scene_views | This category logs messages and exceptions related to the scene views feature. |
log.repository | This category logs repository runtime exceptions and messages and covers both repository and functions that use this repository. |
log.rsbi | It logs all operations, in case a particular category cannot be determined, log data is written to this category. |
log.runtime | This category logs the exceptions caused by work with UI and user messages. |
log.scheduler | This category logs messages and exceptions related to Scheduler. | | This category logs messages and exceptions related to secured repository providers. |
log.service | This category logs internal application services and utility issues. |
log.show_message | This category logs messages from Show Message action in visual projects. |
log.statistics | This category is used only as a container. |
log.statistics.queryEngine | This category logs statistics of the time spent on separate blocks of a query execution process. |
log.time_trace | This category logs messages and exceptions related to the time trace function. |
log.tracking | This category logs exceptions and messages related to object tracking. |
log.transformation | This category logs messages and exceptions related to query transformations. |
log.transformation.complex | This category logs messages and exceptions related to complex transformations. |
log.transformation.simple | This category logs messages and exceptions related to simple transformations. |
log.ui | This category logs user interface operations. |
log.value | This category logs only the value runtime exceptions and messages in visual projects. |
log.web.ide | This category logs the messages and exceptions that are related to the launch of QMF for WebSphere® and its work. |