Selecting the resource limits provider
The third step in configuring a relational data source is to specify whether the resource limits that will govern access to the data source will be provided from the repository or from the QMF catalog.
About this task
- Open the Select resource limits provider page of the Create New Relational Data Source wizard.
- From the Resource limits provider drop-down
list, select where the resource limits for this data source are defined.
Your choices are:
- Repository if the resource limits are defined in the repository.
- QMF Catalog if the resource limits are defined in a QMF catalog. This option is only available if you have enabled the QMF Catalog plug-in for the data source.
Click Finish. The Repositories view lists the
data source configuration information under a folder named Relational Data
Sources. The objects for each data source will be organized in two folders that will
include database
objects and QMF catalog objects if the QMF catalog was enabled.
You have completed the process of configuring a relational data source in the repository. You would now customize the feature set of the data source.Note: From the Repositories view of the data source, you can view and move the listed objects. However, if you want to run any objects you must be connected to the repository. To connect to the repository you must set up repository connection information if it has not been created. Click the repository connection information for the repository that is listed in the Repository Connections view. When you are connected to the repository select the object to run from the Repository Explorer view.
- To add, edit, or delete resource limits, right-click the data source in the Repository Explorer view (after it has been created) and click Properties from the pop-up menu. Select Resource Limits from the Properties tree. You can add, edit, and delete resource limits groups, schedules and user assignments.
- You can selectively perform any of the following to customize
the feature set of the data source:
- Set up login mapping for the data source.
- Add data source information to a workspace.
- Set up customized workspaces and assign the users and groups that will be allowed to use them.
- Assign the users and groups permission to access any repository object.
- Create, edit, or delete resource limits groups, schedules, and resource limit values.
- Set up repository connections.