Creating a new color sequence

You use the New Color Sequence wizard to create a color sequence for your visual project.

About this task

To create a new color sequence:


  1. You open the New Color Sequence wizard in one of the following ways:
    • From the Project Explorer view, click the Globals node. Right-click the Color Sequences node. Select Insert Color Sequence from the pop-up menu. The New Color Sequence wizard opens.
    • From the Project Explorer view, click the Globals node. Double-click the Color Sequences node. The New Color Sequence wizard opens.
  2. Type a unique name for the color sequence in the Name field.
  3. The colors that will appear in the color sequence are displayed in the Colors wheel. Clicking on each wedge will display the wedge position number and its associated index value. For example, the first wedge displays a zero (0) and will represent the color that is displayed for an index value of zero (0).
  4. To change a wedge color, click the wedge, then select a new color by clicking the color button. The Color window opens where you can select a new color. Click OK. The selected wedge is displayed with the new color. You repeat this process for each wedge color that you want to change.
  5. To undo any changes that you have made, click the Undo changes button. The color of the selected wedge returns to its previous color.
  6. To move a selected wedge forward in the wheel, click the wedge and then click the Move Forward button. The wedge moves forward one slot in the wheel.
  7. To move a selected wedge backward in the wheel, click the wedge and then click the Move Back button. The wedge moves backward one slot in the wheel.
  8. To add additional wedges to the pie, click the Add button. A new wedge is added to the pie in the last position. It will be added using the color of the currently selected wedge.
  9. To remove a wedge, select the wedge that you want to remove from the pie, and click the Remove button.
  10. Click Finish. The New Color Sequence wizard closes and the color sequence is displayed in the Color Sequences folder.