Saving classic reports

When you save a classic report you are actually saving the form that is used to create the report. The form is saved as an object and can be saved in a local or network file, in your workspace, in a QMF catalog, or in a repository.

About this task

Saved forms open differently depending on whether the form was saved with an associated data source object.
  • When you save the form with an associated data source object then you are saving both elements that are used to create the report. Upon opening a form that has been saved with both the data source object and the form: the data source object is located; the data source object is run and the query results are obtained; the form formatting is applied; and the classic report is presented. Specifying that a particular data source object will always be used when a form is opened streamlines the steps required to create a classic report.
  • When you save the form without an associated data source object, then you are only saving the formatting options. When you open the form, you will must supply the query results. That means you must run a query, make the query results active and open the form in order to create the classic report. If no query results are available then the form opens only for editing.