Running the object tracking reports

After activating object tracking you can run any of the existing reports or you can create your own report.

About this task

To run an object tracking report:


  1. Right-click a data source from either the Repositories or Repository Explorer views. Select Object Tracking Reports from the pop-up menu. The Object Tracking Reports window opens.
  2. Select a report from the list of available reports and click Run. The list of available report includes both standard object tracking reports that come with the application and customized object tracking reports that you might have added. The following standard object tracking reports are available:
    • Cancellation Summary By User: This report shows which users most frequently have their queries cancelled. High rates of cancellation can indicate that the user needs more training or greater resource privileges.
    • Cancellation Details For Single User: This report provides details about the queries that were cancelled for a specific user, including the query name, SQL text, and reason for cancellation.
    • Performance Summary (Maximum) by Query: This report shows performance data for queries, including their maximum elapsed time and number of times run. The report is sorted in descending order to highlight the queries with the most resource consumption.
    • Performance Summary (Average) By Query: This report shows performance data for queries, including their average elapsed time and number of times run. It is sorted in descending order to highlight the queries with the most resource consumption.
    • Performance Summary (Cumulative) For Single Query: This report shows which users most often run a specific query and the elapsed time of the query. Use this report once a problem query is identified to determine the users who run the query most frequently.
    • Performance Details For Single Query: This report shows detail statistics for each run of a query. It provides performance information, such as elapsed time and bytes fetched for each run.
    • Performance Profile For Single User: This report shows which queries have been run by a user and the resources consumed by the queries. The report is sorted in descending order to highlight the queries with the most resource consumption.
    • Performance Summary (Cumulative) By User: This report shows which users are most actively using QMF and consuming the most resources.
    • Time Period Performance Summary (Cumulative) By User: This report shows, within a time period, which users most actively used QMF and consumed the most resources.
    • Cancellation Summary By Repository User: This report shows which users most frequently have their queries that are stored in the repository cancelled. High rates of cancellation can indicate that the user needs more training or greater resource privileges.
    • Performance Summary (Maximum) by Repository Query: This report shows performance data for queries that are stored in a repository, including their maximum elapsed time and number of times run. The report is sorted in descending order to highlight the queries with the most resource consumption.
    • Performance Summary (Average) by Repository Query: This report shows performance data for queries that are stored in a repository, including their average elapsed time and number of times run. It is sorted in descending order to highlight the queries with the most resource consumption.
    • Performance Summary (Cumulative) by Repository User: This report shows which users are most actively using a repository and consuming the most resources.
    • Time Period Performance Summary (Cumulative) By Repository User: This report shows, within a time period, which users most actively used a repository and consumed the most resources.
  3. A customized object tracking report is a visual report that you have created and saved to a file. After you create the report, you can add the customized report to the list of available object tracking reports, by clicking the Add button in the Object Tracking Reports window. The Add Object Tracking Report window opens. Specify the name of the report as it will appear in the list of available object tracking reports in the Report title field. Optionally, you can enter a description of the report in the Report description field. Specify the name of the file where the visual report was saved in the Report file name field. Specify where the query that was used for the visual report resides in the Query for report field. If the visual report includes a query that runs against an extended QMF catalog, specify the name and where the query resides in the Extended query for the report field. Click OK. The report is added to the list.