Form menu

In QMF, the Form menu becomes available when a form is the active object in the editor.

The following menu commands are available:

Data Source Object
Opens the Data Source Object dialog where you can specify the data source object that will be associated with the form. The data source object for a form is the object that is run to obtain the query results that are formatted into a report.
Convert to Visual Report
Converts the active form into a visual report. The generated visual report opens in a new window.
Convert to HTML
Opens the Convert to HTML dialog, which contains the following options:
  • Specify which tags will be added to the form in The following tags will be added to the form list box.
  • Check the Include tabular data as HTML table check box to insert any table data into a HTML formatted table.
  • Check the Adjust additional form values for HTML table tags check box to have the application automatically adjust form values for HTML formatting.
  • Check the Save as user defaults check box to save the current settings and selections as user defaults.
  • Click the User Defaults button to reset to user defaults.
  • Click the Product Defaults button to reset to product defaults.
  • Click the Clear Values button to clear all selected values from the Value column of the list box.
Set Data Source
Select a data source (from a list of available data sources in your repository) where you want the active query to run. The Set Data Source dialog opens.
Set User Information
Opens the Set User Information dialog where you specify the user ID and password that QMF will use to connect to the data source.
Set Font
Opens the Font dialog where you can change the display font attributes of the current classic report in the active window.