Exporting reports to a file

You can export a classic report, quick report, or a visual report to a file. If your report is a classic one, you can export it as a text, HTML or PDF file. If your report is a quick one or a visual one, you can export it as an HTML or a PDF file.

About this task

To export a report:


  1. Open the Export Report wizard in one of the following ways:
    • With a report in the active window, select File > Export to open the Select page of the Export wizard, and then select Report from the list of available export wizards.
    • With a report in the active window, click the Export toolbar button.
  2. Select the report that you want to export from the Reports list box.
  3. If you are using QMF for Workstation, specify where the report file should be saved in the Report file field. You can use the Browse button to search for the location.
  4. Select the type of file that you are exporting. You can export a classic report as a text file (*.txt), an HTML file (*.htm;*.html), or a PDF file (*.pdf). You can export a quick report and a visual report as an HTML file (*.htm;*.html) or a PDF file (*.pdf).
  5. If you are exporting a PDF file, click the Next button. The Set up PDF export options page opens. Select the Add Document Information check box and specify character strings in the Title, Author, Subject and Keywords fields to add document information to the PDF. Select the Use only ANSI fonts check box to use only ANSI fonts in the PDF.
    Note: Some of the fonts (for example, TTC) can be displayed incorrectly in PDF files.
  6. If you want to export your report as an HTML file, select HTML from the Export type list and click Next. The Set up file export options page opens. Select the Split report into separate pages check box to save each page of you report individually.
  7. Click Finish.
    • If you are using QMF for Workstation, the report is exported to a file in the format that you selected.
    • If you are using QMF for WebSphere®, a Save window opens that list the individual files for download, and an archived ZIP file (*.zip) that contains all of the files for download. Click one or more of the hyper-links to download the files. When you have finished downloading the files, click OK.