Editing connection parameters and user login information

You use the Connection page of the Edit Repository Storage window to edit the connection information and the user login information that will be used to connect to the shared repository storage.

About this task

To edit the connection parameters and login user information for shared repository storage:


  1. Open the Connection page of the Edit Shared Repository Storage window.
  2. In the JDBC Driver field specify the library for the JDBC driver that will be used to access the database that is hosting the repository storage. You can select from a drop down list of libraries that you defined when you set up the JDBC driver information. You can use the ellipsis (...) to the right of the field to open the Select JDBC Driver dialog where you can create additional JDBC driver libraries.
    Note: If you work with a Db2® for z/OS® database, you can use the Direct DRDA Connection. In contrast to JDBC libraries, the Direct DRDA Connection comes with QMF and does not require additional driver installation.

    You can enable the use of SSL certificates for the Direct DRDA Connection to make the connection secure.

    Note: The Direct DRDA Connection is supported only for DB2® for z/OS version 9 and later. Do not use it for Db2 LUW or DB2 for iSeries.

    See Using DRDA to connect to database repositories and data sources for more information.

  3. In the JDBC URL list, specify the URL that points to the database that hosts the repository storage within which the repository to which you want to connect resides.

    The format for the URL can be displayed in the list.

    Note: You can also use the Build URL by URL-template dialog box to form the correct string.

    Click Build URL to open the Build URL by URL Template dialog box. From the JDBC URL drop-down list, select the template. In the table, specify the server, port, and database information and click OK. The result URL string is added to the JDBC URL list.

  4. Click Advanced to specify any driver-specific connection string keywords and their values that will be used for the database that is hosting the repository storage tables. The list of available advanced properties will change depending on both the type of driver being used, and the version of the driver. For information on any keywords that are required by a selected database driver, consult the specific driver's documentation.
    Note: For the DB2 Type 4 UDB driver and the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver, to receive extended SQL exception error messages, check the retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage option in the Advanced JDBC Settings window.
  5. To configure a PassTickets-based Single Sign-on connection between QMF and Db2 for z/OS database, click Single Sign-on.
  6. If you use the Direct DRDA Connection, bind packages by clicking the Bind Packages button.
  7. In the User Information dialog, select User ID and password are required to require the use of a user ID and password when accessing the database that is hosting the repository storage. If the database that is hosting the repository storage allows access without a user ID and password, selecting this option will override that allowance, and a user ID and password will be required to access the repository storage tables.
  8. To remember this password every time you use the specified user ID to connect to the database, select the Remember password check box.
  9. Click Test Connection to test the connection to the database. If you have specified any information incorrectly you will not be able to connect.
  10. If you have completed making changes to the repository storage properties, click OK. If you will be making additional changes, click the Objects or Protection tab, depending on the changes that you are making.