Creating a new procedure

You can use the Procedure window to create new procedures.

About this task

To create a procedure:


  1. From the User perspective, select File > New > Procedure. The Create Procedure wizard opens. You can also select the New Procedure toolbar button.
  2. Specify a name for the new procedure in the Name field.
  3. Select from the list of available data sources in the Data source field where the new procedure will reside if saved. If you leave this field blank, the new procedure will be saved on the current data source.
  4. Click Finish. The new procedure object is opened in the editor view of the User perspective.
  5. In the Procedure editor, enter the commands that you want to include in the procedure. At any time while typing the procedure commands, you can press Ctrl+Spacebar to access the Content Assist feature. For more information about the Content Assist feature, see the Using Content Assist for visual queries topic.

    If you are creating a procedure with logic using REXX language directives, you must type a REXX comment line as the first line of the procedure. The REXX comment line should appear as /*REXX*/. In addition, if you are including any QMF procedure commands in the procedure with logic, the QMF procedure commands must be enclosed in single quotes.

    Restriction: REXX procedures are not supported in QMF for Workstation.
  6. Save, run or print the procedure. After running a procedure, results are returned in the available editor window. If you are running a procedure with logic, communication with the procedure is through the REXX Console view.
  7. You can schedule a procedure to run at another time using the QMF for WebSphere® task scheduler or your local scheduler.