Adding a global parameter
You can define your own global parameters.
About this task
- You can open the Insert Parameter window
in one of the following ways:
- From the Project Explorer view, expand the Globals node. Right-click the Parameters node. Select Insert Parameter from the pop-up menu.
- From the Project Explorer view, expand the Globals node. Double-click the Parameters node. The Insert Parameter window opens.
- Type a unique name for the global parameter in the Name field.
- Select a data type from the Data type list
box. The data type will describe what type of data will be included
in the parameter. Your choices are:
- Boolean: True or False
- Color: Color
- DateTime: Date and time value
- DateTimeSet: Multiple data and time values
- FilePath: Path to a file
- FontName: Valid font type
- Integer: Whole number
- Literal: As is data. This data type only applies to query parameters.
- Number: Floating point number
- NumberSet: Multiple floating point numbers
- Percentage: Value that will be used as a percentage
- Point: Single x,y point value
- PointSet: Multiple x,y point values
- PolySet: Multiple point variables that can be used to construct a polygon
- Text: A text string
- TextSet: Multiple text strings
- To add a description, type the text in the Description field.
- To specify that the parameter be available to the user, select the Public at runtime check box. When checked, a Runtime Settings window will be issued at runtime and the user can enter information.
- To specify a default value, select the Has default value check box. A field is displayed where you can type a default value for the global parameter.