Using HTML variable within the Text field

You can insert HTML variables in Text fields in order to format the text data for HTML presentation. You can place these HTML variables in any section of a form.

About this task

Table 1. HTML variables
HTML Variable Use this variable to...
IMAGEn Places the contents of column 'n' inside an HTML image reference tag, making graphic files visible in reports.
LINKn Places the contents of column 'n' inside an HTML link tag, which is used to add links to other HTML pages.
MAILTOn Places the contents of column 'n' inside an HTML mail to tag for an email link.
ANCHORn Places an anchor point at the location of the variable value. These anchors are referenced from within the report, such as the top of the page or the beginning of a break section.
REFn Places the text contained in the DSQQW_HTML_REFTXT (a global variable, which contains text that appears in a report; the default = 'BACK TO') into an HTML reference tag, and is used to create links to anchors created with the ANCHORn variable in the report.