Specifying Chart Area chart format options

Chart Area chart format options control how the area of the chart is displayed.

About this task

To specify Chart Area chart format options:


  1. On the Format page of the New Chart wizard, select Chart Area in the tree.
    The Chart Area options are displayed.
  2. Specify the background color of the chart area in the Background field.
  3. To display an outline around the chart area, select the Visible check box.
  4. If you are editing the chart properties for a pie chart, select the Auto check box in the Coverage area to automatically make space for multiple pie charts.
    The Coverage property of a pie chart controls how much of the proportion of the chart area individual pie charts inhabit. The Auto check box ensures that none of the individual pie charts in the chart area overlap.
  5. If you clear the Auto check box, specify what proportion of the chart area that the pie chart takes up in the Value field.
    For example, if you specify a value of 90 in the Value field, the pie chart will inhabit ninety percent of the total height of the chart area.