Saving objects to a file

You can save any objects (forms, queries, procedures) that you create to a file.

About this task

To save an object to a file:


  1. If you are using QMF for Workstation:
    1. Select Save At > File from the File menu.
    2. Navigate to the directory where you will save the object.
    3. Specify the name of the object in the File name field.
    4. Click Save. The object is saved to the specified location.
  2. If you are using QMF for WebSphere®:
    1. Select Save At > File from the File menu.
    2. Specify the name of the object in the Input file name field.
    3. Click the Link to file hyperlink. A browser specific download dialog opens.
    4. Download the object to the required location on your local machine.