Adding a Load Cookie event action

Use the Load Cookie event action to retrieve data previously saved in the Save Cookie event action from the application storage for the current user.

About this task

To add a Load Cookie event action to an object, perform the following steps:


  1. From the Events view, select the object in the editor window and double-click the event that you want to trigger.
    The [objectname] Behavior window opens.
  2. Click the Add New Action icon.
    The Add New Action window opens.
  3. Select Load Cookie in the actions tree and click Next to open the Load Cookie action parameters window.
    Note: To quickly find the required event action, type the name of the action in the filter text field.
  4. Type the name of the key which value you want to retrieve.
  5. In the Result option area, click Add New Parameter to create a parameter for saving the value of the key.
    Note: You can save the value of the key to the existing parameter by selecting parameter type and parameter name from the Result parameter lists.
  6. Click Finish to close the Load Cookie action parameters window and return to the [objectname] Behavior window.
  7. Click Apply to apply all actions that have been added for the event.
  8. Click OK to close the [objectname] Behavior window.


The value of the key is loaded to the parameter by the name of the key from the application storage for the current user.