Adding an Export to Excel event action
Use the Export to Excel action to export a specified event to Excel.
Before you begin
See system requirements in the Installing and Managing guide for information about the version of Excel required to support the Export to Excel feature.
About this task
- From the Events view, select the
object in the editor window and double-click the event that you want
to trigger. The [objectname] Behavior window opens.
- Click the Add New Action icon.
The Add New Action window opens.
- Select Export to Excel in
the actions tree and click Next to open the Export
to Excel action parameters page. Note: To quickly find the required event action, type the name of the action in the filter text field.
- Specify the source component name in the Data
Template field and click the ellipsis (...).
The Select data template window opens.
Select the data source template you want to use and click OK to close the window.
The system fills the highest data level and populates the properties and columns entries in the Export data text block.
- Use the Move Up and Move Down icons in the toolbar to move the entries in the list to new positions.
- You can delete any entry that has been defined for the export columns. Select an entry from the Export columns list box. Click the Delete Entry icon. The entry is deleted.
- In the Export type radio group,
select one of three radio buttons:
- Open. It opens Save As dialog. Enter the name of the file in the File name field to save it.
- Save to a temp file.
It saves the generated file in a temporary directory. The path to
this file is recorded in a global or local parameter. You specify
the parameter in the bottom of the window.
- Select either Global parameters or Local parameters from the Result parameter drop-down list.
- Click Add New Parameter. The Insert Parameter window opens.
- Enter a name for the parameter and its description in the Name and Description fields.
- Select a parameter type. The valid types are FilePath, Literal, and Text.
- Select the Has default value check box and specify the full file path in the text field; for example, C:\DOCUME~1\<user>\LOCALS~1\Temp\<software_product_name>\reporter-<user>\pdf\.
- Save to a file. It automatically saves the generated file in a specified root directory when the event occurs.
- If you select Save to a file check
box there are several ways of building an export path, depending on
the directory which can be specified in the Root output
directory field on the Server-Side File System page
of the Preferences window:
- When the output root directory is specified, the export directory of the file will be combined of the root output directory and the path typed in the Path field.
- In QMF for Workstation when the output root directory is not specified, the export directory of the file will be a combination of the application working directory and the path typed in the Path field.
- In QMF for WebSphere® when the output root directory is not specified, the export directory of the file will be a combination of the temporal directory and the file name, the typed path is ignored.
- From the Format type list, select
the Excel file format in which you want to save the exported data.
The available options are:
- XLS Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
- XLSX Microsoft Excel 2007 (*.xlsx)
- To filter the available dashboard components, specify a
string in the type filter text field. Only the components that have names that contain the specified string will be displayed in the Export data tree. If you selected Save to a temp file or Save to a file, the Result options section is active.
- If you did not previously specify the directory parameter,
select either Global parameters or Local
parameters from the Result parameter drop-down
list and click the Add New Parameter button.
The Insert Parameter window opens.
- Specify a necessary parameter and click Finish.
The Insert Parameter window closes and control returns to the Add New Action window.
- Click Finish. The Export
to Excel action is added. The [objectname] Behavior window is updated.
- Click OK. The [objectname] Behavior window closes.