Specifying Options resource limits
On the Options page of the Edit Resource Limits Group Schedule window you specify the levels of access users have to a data source and the data source objects.
Options resource limits can be set for data sources. The Options resource limits are as follows:
- Allow access to data source from user interface
- This field specifies whether you have permission to access a data source from the QMF for Workstation user interface when the current resource limits group schedule is in effect.
- Allow access to data source from programming interface
- This field specifies whether you have permission to access a data source from the QMF for Workstation application programming interface (API) when the current resource limits group schedule is in effect.
- Fetch all rows automatically
- This field specifies how the data source will send query results data to the application. By default, data is requested from the data source only as required to display query results. For example, if 20 rows fill up the query results window, only 20 rows are requested from the data source. When you scroll down to make the 21st row visible, more data is requested. If you run a query and then wait before scrolling down, the query remains active for that wait time, consuming resources at the data source. If this parameter is enabled, data is requested repeatedly until all data is received, independent of your scrolling requests.
- Confirm database updates
- This field specifies whether or not you must confirm all data source changes resulting from the queries that you run or the actions that you perform when editing tables. If this check box is selected, you will be prompted for confirmation before any data source changes can occur. If this check box is cleared, data source changes can occur without confirmation.
- Enable exporting of data
- This field specifies whether a user can export query result data to a file using the Export command from the File menu or the EXPORT DATA procedure command.
- Enable table editing
- This field specifies whether or not you can edit a table using the table editor feature .
- Allow running saved queries only
- This field specifies whether or not you can create and save new queries at the database data source. If checked, you can only run queries that are saved at the database data source. If clear, you can run queries, as well as create and save new queries at the database data source.
- Isolation level for queries
The Isolation level for queries parameter only applies to databases that support transactions.
This field specifies the level of transaction isolation to be applied to a user's queries. There are varying levels of isolation, each with a differing degree of impact on transaction processing in the database.
Consult with your database administrator or the database server documentation to determine if the database server being used is configured to support transaction processing.
Valid values include:- Default specifies that the isolation level for a query will be the default specified for all applications.
- Repeatable Read specifies that the isolation level for a query will be Repeatable Read (RR). The RR isolation level provides the most protection from other applications.
- All (RS) specifies that the isolation level for a query will be Read Stability (RS).
- Cursor Stability (CS) specifies that the isolation level for your query will be Cursor Stability (CS). The CS isolation level provides the maximum concurrency with data integrity.
- Change (UR) specifies that the isolation level for your query will be Uncommitted Read (RS) which allows an application to read uncommitted data.
- No Commit (NC) specifies that the isolation level for your query will be No Commit (NC). An application running with an isolation level of NC can not make permanent database changes.
- Account
- This field specifies the default account information that will be sent to a data source when you connect to that data source.
- Account can be overridden
- This field specifies whether you are allowed to override the default accounting information specified in the Account field when connecting to a data source. If selected, you can enter a new accounting string using the Set User Information window. If clear, you cannot enter new accounting information and you are prevented in some cases from accessing data source objects that are not owned by your resource limits group.
- Require account information
- This field specifies whether you must specify a valid accounting string in the Set User Information window before connecting to a database when this schedule is in effect.
- Allow printing
- This check box must be selected in order for you to print objects that are stored on the data source.