Selecting the QMF catalog

The last step to configuring a data source so that it can access a QMF catalog is to select a QMF catalog.

About this task

To select the QMF catalog for the data source:


  1. Open the Select QMF Catalog page of the QMF Catalog Wizard.
  2. From the Data source name list, select the data source that hosts the QMF catalog that you want the data source that you are configuring to use. This could be the same data source as the one you are currently configuring or a different data source that has already been configured in your repository.
  3. From the Catalog list, select the catalog that you want the current data source that you are configuring to use. You can choose one of the following types of catalogs:
    • Default: This is the main QMF catalog. It is created automatically as a result of running the SQL statements to create objects on the data source. All objects saved to a default catalog are saved together. The Default catalog is the only catalog that can be used by QMF for TSO/CICS and versions of QMF prior to 7.2.
    • Extended: Extended catalogs are extensions of the default catalog. While a data source can only host a single default QMF catalog, it can host multiple extended catalogs. Extended catalogs are useful when several data sources share one QMF catalog. Without extended catalogs, all objects would be saved into the default QMF catalog. With extended catalogs, each data source can isolate their saved objects in a particular catalog extension.
  4. Optional: To create a new extended catalog that will reside on the current data source, select the Add icon. The Add Catalog window opens.
  5. Optional: To edit the name or the CCSID of an existing extended QMF catalog, select the Edit icon. The Edit Catalog window opens. You can also use this window to edit the CCSID for the Default QMF catalog.
  6. Optional: To delete an existing extended catalog from the current data source select the Remove icon. You should use caution when deleting extended catalogs as QMF for Workstation removes the extended catalog and all of its contents regardless of whether other data sources might be configured to use the extended catalog.
  7. Optional: Select Refresh List to refresh the list of available extended catalogs in the list box.
  8. If you want your users to always use the current QMF catalog when working with the current database, select the Require the use of this catalog server when accessing the current server check box.
  9. Click Finish. The QMF Catalog Wizard closes. This is the last step to configuring a data source to use a QMF catalog. Control returns to the Enable data source plug-ins page of the Create Relational Data Source wizard.