The third step to configuring a relational data source
to use a QMF catalog is to specify
whether the QMF catalog tables
will be protected from unauthorized users and to specify the users
that will have permission to access the tables.
About this task
Several tables in the QMF catalog store sensitive information that
should not be available to the public. You can choose to protect the QMF catalog tables. In protection
mode, the QMF catalog tables
are accessed using a collection of stored procedures or SQL packages
depending on what the database that is hosting the QMF catalog supports. Users of the QMF catalog must then be granted permission to
run the stored procedures or static SQL packages.To
protect the QMF catalog tables:
Open the Protect QMF Catalog tables page of the QMF Catalog
- To specify the type of protection that
will be applied to the QMF catalog
tables, select one of the following from the Connect using
Protected Mode radio group:
- Never: You select this option to specify
that no protection will be placed on the QMF catalog
tables. This method will expose the QMF catalog
tables to unauthorized use. With no protection the QMF catalog tables can be accessed by any user
using dynamic queries. When the database administrator grants permissions
to a user to access the QMF catalog
that resides on the database, that permission will extend to the whole QMF catalog including the tables
in the QMF catalog that store
sensitive information.
- If possible: You select this option to
specify that the QMF catalog
tables will be protected using either stored procedures or static
SQL packages if they are available on the data source. You will specify
the users that can run the stored procedures or static SQL packages.
If a set of stored procedures or static SQL packages is not available,
access to the QMF catalog tables
will be as if they are unprotected.
- Always: You select this option to specify
that the QMF catalog tables will
always be protected using either stored procedures or static SQL packages.
You will specify the users that can run the stored procedures or static
SQL packages. If a set of stored procedures or static SQL packages
is not available, the query to access the QMF catalog
tables will fail.
- If you selected If possible or Always from
the Connect using Protected Mode radio group,
the Protect check box becomes available.
- Select the Protect check box. The
protection method options become available.
- Select one of the following protection
- Select Stored procedures to specify that
you will use stored procedures to protect the QMF catalog tables.
You can select this option if the repository storage tables are located
on one of the following databases:
- DB2® UDB LUW V9 and above
- DB2
z/OS® V9 and above
- DB2 iSeries (when accessed with IBM Toolbox JDBC
- Select Static SQL packages to specify that you
will use static SQL packages to protect the QMF catalog tables. You can select this option if the
repository storage tables are located on a Db2 database that
you will connect to using the IBM®
DB2 Universal driver for JDBC or the
Direct DRDA connectivity provided by the product (the latter option is available for Db2 for z/OS connectivity
- Type, or select from the drop-down list,
the name that you want to use to identify the collection of stored
procedures or static SQL packages in the Collection ID field.
- Optionally you can type the owner name
in the Owner ID field, if you work with Db2® databases. The Owner ID provides
the administrator privileges to the user who operates under the login
without SYSADM authority.
- Click Create. The
stored procedures are created or the static SQL packages are bound.
A message is issued that informs you of the success of either process.
You can also use Delete to remove a collection
of stored procedures or static packages.
- You must specify which users will have
permission to run the stored procedures or static SQL packages for
the QMF catalog tables on this
database. To grant permission to all users, highlight PUBLIC in the
User IDs list and click Grant. To grant permission
to specific users, type their user IDs in the field, highlight one
or more of the user ID(s) and click Grant.
A message is issued that informs you that the selected user IDs have
been granted permission to run the stored procedures or static SQL
packages. Optionally, you can revoke permission to run the stored
procedures or SQL packages from any user that is listed in the User
IDs list box. To revoke permission from one or more users,
highlight one or more of the user IDs and click Revoke.
A message is issued informing you that permission to run the stored
procedures or static SQL packages has been revoked from the selected
user IDs.
Click Next. The Select QMF Catalog page of the
QMF Catalog Wizard opens.