Designing a classic report form

You can create and edit forms using the Design page of the Classic Report editor window. Generated reports are displayed in the Report page.

About this task

To create a form:


  1. Open the Design page for a classic report in one of the following ways:
    • Select File > New > Form. The Create New Form wizard opens. Specify the name of the form in the Name field and where the form will be saved in the Data source field. Click Finish.
    • Select the New Form toolbar button. Click the Design tab to open the Design page of the Form window.
  2. The Design page is divided into two sections. To the left is the Form structure tree. Each node in the tree represents a section of the report. As you select a node from the tree, the fields that you have to specify for that section of the report are displayed.
  3. To design your form, select one or more sections from the Form structure tree and enter the corresponding fields. A classic report includes the following sections:
    • Main
    • Breaks
    • Calculations
    • Columns
    • Conditions
    • Details
    • Final
    • Options
    • Page
  4. When you have completed designing the form, you can save the form in your repository, in the QMF catalog, or to a file.