Specifying Details formatting options

You use the Details formatting fields to define report detail headings and body text.

About this task

This is where you can combine or replace tabular data with free-form text to create form letters or address labels. Each detail variation of headings and text can correspond to a condition specified using the Conditions node.

When you choose the Details node in the Form structure tree, the Add Detail and Remove Detail buttons appear above the tree. By using these buttons you can add or remove Details.

Table 1. Detail section elements for a classic report
Element Description
Enable Specify when to enable the detail variation:
  • YES indicates that the variation is always selected for formatting.
  • NO indicates that the variation is never selected for formatting.
You can conditionally enable the variation by referring to a Form Conditions expression using the Cnn and Enn specifications.
Include column headings with detail headings Check this check box to display column headings with detail headings.
Detail heading text

You use the buttons above the Detail heading text table to add, edit, or remove lines, and also change the lines order.

Specify the lines of detail heading text:
  • Line: specify where the text appears vertically in the detail heading. You do not have to start with line 1 and you do not have to specify consecutive line numbers.
  • Alignment: specify where the text is placed horizontally on the line. Valid alignment values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, APPEND, or the number of a specific position in the line. If you specify APPEND, the text is placed immediately following the previous line of text.
  • Text: type the text that appears in the detail heading. You can use form variables, global variables, and HTML variables in this field.
New page for detail block Check this check box to start a new page in the report for the detail block.
Blank lines after block Specify the number of blank lines after the last detail block line. The range is between 0 and 999.
Repeat detail heading Check this check box to repeat the detail heading before each occurrence of the detail block.
Put tabular data at line Specify where the tabular data line is placed vertically in the detail block. The range is between 1 and 999. If you do not want a tabular data line, specify NONE.
Keep block on page Check this check box to keep the detail block on one page. If you check this check box and a detail block is too long to fit on one page, the detail block is started on a new page. If you do not check this check box, detail blocks can split across two or more pages.
Detail block text

You use the buttons above the Detail block text table to add, edit, or remove lines, and also change the lines order.

Specify the lines of detail block text.
  • Line: this number specifies where the text is placed vertically in the detail block. You do not have to start with line 1 and you do not have to specify consecutive line numbers.
  • Alignment: specify where the text is placed horizontally on the line. Valid alignment values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, APPEND, or the number of a specific position in the line. If you specify APPEND, the text is placed immediately following the previous line of text.
  • Text: type the text that appears in the detail block. You can use form variables, global variables and HTML variables in this field.