Specifying forecast grouping hierarchy options

You use the Grouping Hierarchy pane of the Group page to specify the columns that group the forecast data.

About this task

To specify grouping hierarchy options:


  1. Open the Group page of the Forecast editor
  2. Select one or more columns from the Available columns list box and click the > button.
    The column or columns are added to the Selected columns list box.
  3. Select one or more columns from the Selected columns list box and click the < button. The column or columns are removed from the Selected columns list box and returned to the Available columns list box.
  4. Click the >> or << buttons to add or remove all of the selected columns.
  5. To change the order of the selected columns, click Move Selected Column Up or Move Selected Column Down.
  6. Click the Run toolbar button to run the forecast.
    The high level summary is displayed on the forecast.
    Note: To see the results of other hierarchy levels, select the level that you want to display on the forecast in the Outline view.