Specifying forecast date parameters

You use the Date Parameters pane of the Group page to specify the date range options of the forecast.

About this task

To specify date parameters of the forecast:


  1. Open the Group page of the Forecast editor.
  2. Select the date format column that you want to use to create the forecasted values from the Date column list.
    Note: Only date format columns are available in the Date column list.
    The following formats are available for date:
    • YYYYxMMxDD
    • MMxDDxYYYY
    • DDxMMxYYYY
    • YYxMMxDD
    • MMxDDxYY
    • DDxMMxYY
    For time:
    • HHxMMxSS
    • HHxMM
    For timestamp:
    • YYxMMxDD HHxMM
    • DDxMMxYY HHxMM
  3. Select the historical data values that you want to use to calculate the forecasted values from the Historical data list. The available options are:
    1. All data: Select this option to specify that all data values will be used to calculate the forecasted values.
    2. From: Select this option to specify the starting data values that will be used to calculate the forecasted values. Enter the start date in the From calendar field. You can also enter the end date in the To calendar field. In this case, the data values retrieved between the start and end dates will be used to calculate the forecasted values.
    3. Last: Select this option to specify that the data values of the last number of periods will be used to calculate the forecasted values. Specify the number of last periods in the Periods field.
  4. Select the time period over which to aggregate data values from the Period list.
  5. Specify the number of periods to calculate forecast values in the Number of future periods field.