Connecting to a repository

In order to access a repository and run repository objects using QMF you must be connected to a repository.

About this task

A repository is a centralized storage area that was created by your QMF administrator. It is the place where your objects such as queries, forms, and reports can be saved. It is also where QMF will look for the information necessary to connect to any data sources that you need to access. The Repository Connections view lists all of the currently available repository connections.

Each time that you open QMF, an attempt is made to connect to the repository that was last used. At any time, you can connect to a different repository by selecting the repository connection information from the Repository Connections view. In addition, you can choose to connect to different repositories using different user IDs and passwords.

To connect to a repository:


  1. Open the Repository Connections view if it is not open in the workstation window. Select Window > Show view > Repository Connections. The Repository Connections view opens.
  2. From the Server list, select the QMF Server whose repository connections you want to display, or select Local to display the repository connections that are available on your local machine.

    If the QMF Server that you have selected from the Server list has one or more registered QMF Catalogs, they will be available as a separate connection in the Repository Connections view. If you establish this connection, you will be able to access QMF Catalog objects from the Repository Explorer view.

    Note: QMF Server-based repository connections will be available to you only if you have an instance of QMF Registry configured for your QMF client.
  3. Right-click the repository connection name for the repository to which you want to connect.
  4. Select Connect. You are connected to the repository.

What to do next

Administrators are responsible for creating repository connections for each user of QMF. If necessary, each QMF for Workstation user can create repository connections. Creating repository connections is an advanced function. Most users will not create repository connections. However, some advanced users might create repository connections in some circumstances such as:
  • If the repository of your choice is not listed in the Repository Connections view, you can create a new repository connection using the Create New Repository Connection wizard.
  • If the connection information has not been set up for your version by the administrator, you must set up the information that your version of QMF will use to connect to a repository. You will recognize that this is the case if there is no connection information listed in the Repository Connections view. Your QMF administrator will provide the repository connection information either directly or by providing a repository connections settings file that you can import.