You can create a new Visual Dashboard using the Create
New Visual Dashboard wizard.
About this task
To create a new Visual Dashboard, perform the following steps:
- Open the Create New Visual Dashboard wizard
on one of the following ways:
- From the Visual Designer perspective, select . The Create New Visual
Dashboard wizard opens.
- From the Visual Designer perspective, right-click
the Visual Dashboards folder in the Project
Explorer view. Select New Visual Dashboard from
the pop-up menu. The Create New Visual Dashboard wizard
- From the Visual Designer perspective, double-click
the Visual Dashboards folder in the Project
Explorer view. The Create New Visual Dashboard wizard
- Click
the New Visual Dashboard toolbar button(
) .
- Type a unique name for your dashboard in the Dashboard
name field.
- Select the template that will be used for the new visual
dashboard in one of the following ways:
- Click Finish. A folder with the
dashboard name is added to the Dashboards node
in the Project Explorer view.
each new dashboard a folder is created for the Connections, Queries,
and Globals. In addition, a Scenes folder
is added with a default first scene. The editor window opens with
a canvas where you will design the first scene of the dashboard.
You have created a new Visual Dashboard using the Create
New Visual Dashboard wizard.
What to do next
You are now ready to design your dashboard, adding Connections, Queries and Globals and
additional Scenes.