Use the Close dialog event action to close a dialog window
that is created in the Show dialog event action.
Before you begin
You must have a previously created modal dialog window.
About this task
To add and define the Close dialog event action, perform
the following steps:
- In the editor window, select the object to which you want
to add the action.
- Double-click the event that you want to trigger the action
from the Events view.
The [objectname]
Behavior window opens.
- Click the Add button.
The Add New Action window opens.
- Select Close Dialog in
the actions tree and click Next.
Note: To
quickly find the required event action, type the name of the action
in the filter text field.
- In the Add New Action window, specify
the return action parameter in the Return value field.
You can use the specified value in the event actions that you add
in the Show dialog event
- Click Finish.
Close dialog event action is added. The Add New Action window
- From the [objectname] Behavior window,
click Apply to apply all actions that were
added for the event. Click OK to close the [objectname]
Behavior window.
You added the Close dialog event action to the object.