Working with QMF Server Administrative Console

Use the QMF Server Administrative Console to administer QMF Server.

On the QMF Server Administrative Console web page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Click START to start a new QMF Server session.
  • Click STOP to end the current QMF Server session.
  • To configure QMF Data Service to work with a QMF Server session, view the CONNECTION INFORMATION FOR QMF DATA SERVICE area. The following connection information is available in the area:
    Database Type
    Shows the database type that the service works with.
    Shows the web address of the server that runs the QMF Server Administrative Console.
    Shows the number of the currently used QMF Server port.
    Available Locations
    Shows the list of available repository connections.

    For more detailed information, see the QMF Data Service documentation.

  • Click AVAILABLE JDBC DRIVERS to view the list of JDBC drivers that are specified in QMF for WebSphere®.
  • Click RUNTIME INFORMATION to display the runtime information for QMF Server. The following runtime information is available:
    Session Number
    Shows the ordinal number of the current session.
    Connection Threads
    Shows the amount of data streams that are used for user connections to the server.
    Active Sessions
    Shows the number of active sessions.
    Waiting Sessions
    Shows the number of suspended sessions.
    Total Memory
    Shows the amount memory that is available for the JVM.
    Free Memory
    Shows the amount of free memory that is available for the JVM.
  • Click Options button to display the CONFIGURATION dialog. In the CONFIGURATION dialog of QMF Server Administrative Console, you can perform the following actions:
    • In the Port field, specify the port that you want to work with. The default value is 1527. If the Port field is left blank, the default value is used.
    • In the VM arguments field, specify changes that you want to make to the Java Virtual Machine that runs QMF Data Server. For more information about VM arguments, consult the Oracle documentation.
    • From the QMF Log Level list, select the type of QMF messages that you want to save in the log.
    • In the Classpath field, specify the path to the JDBC driver files.
    • In the Path to Logs field, specify the location where you want to save the log files.
    • From the DRDA Protocol Log Level list, select the type of QMF Server messages that you want to save in the log.