For charts you can specify the page setup options for printing.
Before you begin
If a chart is created from visual query results, open it on the
Results tab.
About this task
To control the appearance of printed pages for a chart:
- From the main menu, select to open the Page
Setup window.
- Select the printer that you want to use from the Printer list.
- For detailed settings click Properties.
- Select the size of the printable area from the Size list.
- Select the paper tray to use from the Source list.
- Select the orientation of the printout from the Orientation area.
- Specify the size of the margins of the page in the Margins fields
and click OK.
- In the Scale Options area, select
one of the available printing options:
- Fit to printable area to fit
the chart size to the printable area.
- Scale print to % to specify the
required chart size in percent.
- To make the specified values default, click Set
as Default.
- Click OK to close the Page
Setup window.
The options that you specified
are used to control the appearance of the printed object.