Creating charts

You can create a chart from a query result set with the help of the New Chart wizard.

Before you begin

You must run a query and have a query result set open on the Results tab.

About this task

To create a chart, do the following actions:


  1. Open the New Chart wizard in one of the following ways:
    1. From the main menu, select Results > Display Chart and specify the type of the chart that you want to create. Then go to the step 3 of the procedure.
    2. Click the Display Chart (Display Chart icon) toolbar button.
  2. On the Chart type page, specify the type of the chart. For more information about chart types, see Specifying chart type options topic. Click Next.
  3. On the Data series page, specify which columns of a result set are used to generate data points of a chart. For more information, see Specifying data series options topic. Click Next.
  4. On the Format page, specify the options to define the visual output of the chart. For more information, see Specifying format options topic.
  5. Click Finish to close the New Chart wizard and display the created chart.
  6. To remove a chart that you created from a visual query results, see the Managing display modes topic.