Opening Analytics objects without a source

You can open Analytics objects without a source query or table and add it later.

About this task

To open an Analytics object without a preliminary opened source query or table


  1. Select File > Open From > QMF Catalog and open the required object from the QMF catalog (See Opening QMF catalog objects).
  2. In the Select Columns dialog, click ellipsis (…) to specify a query or table, which you want to use as a source for the chart. The Data Source Object dialog opens.
  3. In the Data Source Object dialog select a directory, from which you want to open a query or table:
    1. If you select From file option, enter the required query or table in the Name field using the Browse button.
    2. If you select From data source option, click the List Objects button.
      The Object List dialog opens. For detailed information about working with the Object List dialog, see steps 3-8 in the Listing data source objects topic.
    3. If you select From repository option, the current repository is displayed in a tree structure in the Repository location list. Expand the folders until you find the object that you want to open. Select the object.
      Note: You can set filter name and user information for the selected data sources by clicking the Set Name Filter and Set User Information buttons.
  4. If you selected From file or From repository options, specify the number of the query result set in the Result set field.
  5. Select Always use this object when opening this document check box to use the selected query for all other Analytics objects.
  6. Click OK to close the Data Source Object dialog.
    The source opens in the Select Columns dialog.
  7. In the Parameter selection list, you can modify the available columns that refer to a particular chart axis. To modify a column, click the column that you want to modify and select the required one from the list.
  8. Click OK.
    The Select Columns dialog closes and the object is displayed on the Results tab of the editor area.


You can export or print the opened Analytics object.