Functions that vary according to database type

Support for these functions varies by database.

Table 1. Functions that require the support of specific database management systems
Function supported Db2® for z/OS® Db2 for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows DB2® for iSeries DB2 for VSE and VM

Length of query statement supported

2 MB* 65 KB* 65 KB* 8 KB
Number of columns in SELECT statement 750 255 255 255
Importing single-precision floating point numbers X     X
Long fields with LIKE statement X     X
Database synonyms       X
Database aliases for tables or views X X X  
SAVE=IMMEDIATE option available in Table Editor (supports CURSOR HOLD) X X X  
Setting Db2 global variables X X    
QMF commands that include three-part names

Commands with three-part names can be initiated from this type of database. They can also be directed to this type of database unless QMF was started as a stored procedure.

Commands with three-part names can be directed to this type of server unless QMF was started as a stored procedure.

Commands with three-part names can be directed to this type of server unless QMF was started as a stored procedure.

Commands with three-part names cannot be directed to these server types.

* To activate support for SQL queries up to 2 MB on Db2 for z/OS databases and up to 65 KB on Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows databases, set the DSQEC_SQLQRYSZ_2M global variable to 1 before running the query.