In Prompted Query, the CHANGE command displays a panel on which you can make changes. In the Table Editor, the CHANGE command modifies rows in a table or view.

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Usage notes

  • In Prompted Query, you can use one of the following methods to make changes:
    • In the echo area, position the cursor on the underscore character that appears to the left of the specification to be changed. To change a specification that is longer than one line, place the cursor on the first line of the specification. Then, press the Change function key.
    • Type CHANGE on the command line, then position the cursor on the underscore character that appears to the left of the specification to be changed. To change a specification that is longer than one line, place the cursor on the first line of the specification. Then, press Enter.
  • In the Table Editor, when you press the Change function key:
    • When SAVE=IMMEDIATE, changes are saved when the transaction is processed.
    • When SAVE=END, changes are saved when the END command is processed.