Script Snippet library


In IBM Task Mining, you can associate RPA code snippets with tasks and build RPA bots from projects incorporating the snippets. IBM Task Mining includes a snippet library, which stores RPA code snippets. You can use the snippet library to share and reuse the code snippets across task mining projects.

You can use the Script Snippet Library page to do the following tasks:

  • Create new code snippets and assign an application to the snippet.
  • View the contents of a script snippet library created for a specific Task Mining environment.
  • View the details of a specific code snippet.
  • Edit, delete, and duplicate a code snippet.
  • Filter the code snippets based on vendor and name of the code snippet.
  • Import and export a code snippet.

From release 1.14.0, you can use the Script Snippet Library page to add and manage custom vendors in IBM TasK Mining. For more information, see Managing custom vendors.

Accessing the Script Snippet Library page

To access the Script Snippet Library page, do the following step:

  • On the Task mining projects page, click the Manage Library link.

    Accessing Script Snippet library