
The Dashboard page is the primary page that you see when you create a Task Mining project. You see all information related to a Task Mining project in the Dashboard page. Dashboard page

Figure 1. Dashboard

See "Table 1. User Interface Elements in the Dashboard page" to know more about the sections and user interface (UI) elements in the Dashboard page per the numberings given in "Figure 1. Dashboard".

Element Number Element Name Description
1 Statistics Provides you the following statistics:
- Registered agents: Number of TM Agents used in the project
- Acquired chunks: Number of chunks TM Agent acquired for the project
- Last received chunk: Date and time of the last received chunk
- Version: Version of the project workflow published in the TM Web
- Agents in error: Number of errors detected by TM Agent
- Processing errors: Number of the failed chunks
2 Agent Monitoring Monitors the status of data acquisition from TM Agent and provides information about the monitored applications
3 Agent list Provides the following information about the status of TM Agents:
- Host Id: Identity of the hosting system
- Username: Username of the logged in user
- Status: Status of the agent
- Last synchronization: Time of the last synchronization between TM Web and TM Agent
- Errors (24hr): Number of errors in the last 24 hours
- Agent version: The build version of TM Agent
- Browser plugins: Version of the supported browser plugin
- Acquisition mode: Shows the method of synchronizing captured data with TM Web