Contextual data classification
This page displays the list of all relevant data that is recorded by the agent for each application and relative page.
The Contextual Data Classification page allows the user to view all relevant data that is associated to the tasks that have been registered by the agent for each application and relative page.
For each relevant data the following is specified:
the cardinality that represents the number of distinct values found in the selection
the application/website in which the relevant data was recorded
the name of the page and the specific URL the relevant data was recorded
Note: The user can give a custom name for the page.
the contextual data id
Clicking on the icon , it is possible to view the properties of each contextual data, such as the name of the page, the contextual data ID and the relative values.
In this page, it is possible:
Add the aggregation rule for page title and contextual data ID, clicking by the icon
to group different elements into a unique one. This can be useful when there are many similar relevant data, which have only a small difference in the page name or contextual data ID. An aggregation rule can be applied to group similar tasks all together. This allows the user to manage tasks more easily.
Starting from release, you can choose to replace the aggregated page title or element with Letters, Any Digits, Any Character, or Any Non-digit Characters when you set up the aggregation rule.
You use the following types of elements for aggregation:
Letters: The system aggregates the page title or element that has any letter upto the specified character length in the character space you have selected for aggregation
Any Digits: The system aggregates the page title or element that has any numeric digit upto the specified character length in the character space you have selected for aggregation
Any Character: The system aggregates the page title or element that has any character upto the specified character length in the character space you have selected for aggregation
Any Non-digit Character: The system aggregates the page title or element that has any non-digit character upto the specified character length in the character space you have selected for aggregation
After you set up the aggregation rule, the wildcard displays the number of page titles or elements that the system has aggregated.
- Enter a name for the contextual data that is most intuitive to the user.
- Set the timeframe of data to be viewed.
Applying Filters to the Contextual data classification
The filter section displays the options of filters that you can apply or remove according to the user choices to get specific details. After selecting the required filters, click the Use Selection button proceeded by Apply filters button.
You apply the following filters to see the required details:
Tagging status: Helps you filter the tasks according to the name user created. Tagged ones are tasks with name and Untagged ones are tasks without name. Name of the task can be seen by clicking the task properties button.
Inclusion status: Helps you filter the tasks that are included and not included in the project. Tasks that are Included have "-" symbol, suggesting option to exclude them and tasks that are Excluded have "+" symbol, indicating option to include them in the project.
Search scope: Helps you filter the tasks based on Name, Id or Value. Select the filter of your choice, Apply filter and search the task by Name, Id or Value.