
The Audit page helps you see the audit records of the IBM Task Mining process that is published to IBM Process Mining.

For more information on the Audit page, see the following links:

Understanding the elements

Audit page

Element Number Element Name Description
1 Options for Filtering More information in the following section "Applying Filters to the Audit Records"
2 List of captures More information in the following list on "item details"
3 Items per page Section to select the number of items that must be shown in the task script table in a page
4 Page navigation Section to select the page of the task script table to view

You can expand each captured item to view the following additional information:

Pipeline info

  • Number of processed events.
  • Date and time of execution of the steps.
  • Business process status and related upload status, in case the project is standalone.
  • Business activities details (for example, workflows).
  • Specific status of a specific workflow and it includes Complete, Warnings, or Nothing found.
  • Warning messages observed during the workflow.
  • Upload status for that specific business activity.

In case of business activities in warning status, it is possible to verify the message by moving the mouse cursor over the warning icon.

Important: If the Task Mining project and the Process Mining process are not owned by the same user, the process recording fails and Upload Status column displays Error. To change the ownership of the process, use the Administration menu in IBM Process Mining. For more information about changing ownership, see the Projects and components tab topic. To recover the recording that was lost by the upload error, click the overflow menu and select Retry upload.

Applying filters to the audit records

You filter the audit records by entering date and time in the Start Date and End Date fields (see "Figure 1. Filter Audit records by using the Start Date and End Date fields") or by selecting the filter options in the Filter button (Filter Button) (see "Figure 2. Filter Audit records by using the filter options").

Date Filter

Figure 1. Filter Audit records by using the Start Date and End Date fields

Tips: You click the Delete icon (Delete Date) to delete any entry in the Start Date or End Date fields.

Audit selection

Figure 2. Filter Audit records by using the filter options

After you select the filter options in the Filter button (Filter Button), click the Use Selection button to confirm the selections, and then click the Apply Filters button to apply the selected filter options.

See "Table 1. Filter options for Audit records" to learn about the different filter options, their values, and their descriptions.

Filter Description Values
Start Date and End Date Filter the audit records that are captured between the specified date and time. - Date Format
- Time format
where dd indicates date, mm indicates month, yyyy indicates year, hh indicates hour, and mm indicates minute.
Processor status Filter the audit records based on the publishing status of the project configuration - Complete
   Checks if TM Backend completed applying the published configuration on data that is recorded by TM Agent
- Error
   Indicates TM Backend got an error when the published configuration is applied on data that is recorded by TM Agent
- Pending
   Indicates TM Backend did not start applying the published configuration on data that is recorded by TM Agent
- Not applicable
   Indicates the Processor Status is not applicable
Miner status Filter the audit records based on the status of event log generation after the mining and classification of the extracted data - Complete
   Indicates the eventlog generation is complete
- Error
   Indicates the eventlog generation got an error
- Not Required
   Indicates the eventlog generation is not required because the recorded data does not have any changes
- Warnings
   Indicates the eventlog generation that is completed with a warning message
- Nothing Found
   Indicates no eventlogs were found
- Pending
   Indicates the eventlog generation is pending
- Not applicable
   Indicates the eventlog generation is not applicable
Upload status Filter the audit records based on the status of event log upload on the IBM Process Mining application - Complete
   Indicates the eventlog upload to IBM Process Mining is completed
- Error
   Indicates the eventlog upload to IBM Process Mining got an error
- Not required
   Indicates the eventlog upload is not required
- Pending
   Indicates the eventlog upload is pending
- Not applicable
   Indicates the eventlog upload is not applicable

Table 1. Filter options for Audit records

In addition to these filters, you group the audit records into sessions by switching the Group by session toggle button to Yes.


  • IBM Task Mining updates Processor Status, Miner Status, and Upload Status based on the type of TM Agent capture, namely partial and end.
  • If the TM Agent capture is partial, TM Backend updates only Processor status. If the TM Agent capture is end, TM Backend updates all the three statuses, namely, Processor Status, Miner Status, and Upload Status.
  • If the TM Agent capture is partial, Miner status and Upload status do not show Error even if Processor status shows Error.

Downloading a capture

Use the following steps to download a capture item:

  1. Click the overflow menu (more options) on the required capture.
  2. Click Download.

Note: To download a capture and decrypt the downloaded file, you must first contact IBM Support. The Download option is available only under the following conditions:

  1. Your user account has Decrypt authorization.
  2. You have set the decryption key, which the IBM Support provided you, under Public Key in the User Profile menu.

Reuploading a capture

Use the following steps to reupload a capture item if it has some errors:

  1. Click the overflow menu (more options) on the required capture.
  2. Click Retry upload.

Deleting a capture

Use the following steps to delete a single capture:

  1. Click the overflow menu (more options) on the required capture.

  2. Click Delete.

    Warning:: It is not possible to retrieve the data after deletion. Hence, you must ensure to choose the correct capture for deletion.