Integration & Api

The Integration & Api settings help you configure your IBM Process Mining application for integration with other IBM Process Mining or IBM Task Mining applications. There are two subsections in the Integration & Api section of IBM Process Mining, namely Process Details and API Settings.

Integrations and APIs Section

In the Process Details subsection you see the following:

  • Name
    Displays the name of your process.
  • Organization
    Displays the organization in which the process is added.
  • Export process
    Includes the Export button to export the data sources and models of a process. For more information about exporting, see the Exporting a process from the Integrations & Api section topic.

In the API Settings subsection, you see the following:

  • API key activate
    The toggle button to activate or deactivate API key. For more information about activating API key, see the Activating the API key topic.
  • Organization key
    Displays the system-generated key for Organization.
  • Project key
    Displays the system-generated key for a process.
  • API account
    Displays the name of the API account.
  • API key
    Displays the masked API key that the system generates when you activate API key. You can unmask API key by clicking the View icon (View icon).

Exporting a process from the Integration & Api section

To export the process models and data sources to other IBM Process Mining applications, you use the following steps (see 'Video 1. Exporting a process'):

  1. Go to Manage>KPIs>Integration & Api.
  2. Click the Export button in the Process details subsection to view the Export process dialog.
  3. Select the export type in the Select export type field. You can export the process models and data sources in the following formats:
    • Data source (CSV)
    • Model (BPMN 2.0)
    • Model (XPDL 2.1)
    • Data source (XES)
  4. Click the Export button to start the export process.
  5. On completion of the export process, you see the completion notification box. You can access the exported .zip file from the Download folder in your system. Export Process
    Video 2. Exporting a Process


  • When you export the Model (BPMN2.0) format, you must select one of the following BPMN formats from the dropdown in the BPMN format field in the Export process dialog:
    • Generic
    • Bizagi
    • Bonita
    • Camunda
    • IBM Blueworks
  • If you want to include the activity gateway information in a process when you export Model (BPMN2.0) or Model (XPDL 2.1), you turn the Include gateways toggle button to Yes in the Export process dialog. For more information, see 'Video 2. Exporting Model (BPMN 2.0)'. Export BPMN
    Video 2. Exporting Model (BPMN 2.0)
  • To exit the Export process dialog without exporting the process, click the Cancel button.
  • For more information about exporting the process model in the .SVG format from the Model tab, see Exporting the process.

Activating the API key

To activate the API key, you use the following steps:

  1. Go to Manage>KPIs>Integration & Api.
  2. Turn the API key activate toggle to API key active status to view the API key in the API key field.


  • The API key changes each time you deactivate and activate the API key.
  • To copy the keys and API account, you click the Copy icon (copy-icon).