Processes dashboard
The Processes dashboard of IBM Process Mining displays all the processes that are created by the users or shared with the users within the same tenant group.
For more information on using Processes dashboard, see the following links:
Understanding the Processes dashboard
The following figure illustrates the elements in the Processes dashboard of IBM Process Mining.
See 'Table 1. Processes dashboard elements', to learn more about the elements in the Processes dashboard.
Element | Description |
1 | You can use the Menu button in the Processes dashboard to view the user profile, update the security settings such as changing password and enabling two-factor authentication, and change the language on IBM Process Mining. |
2 | You can use the navigation panel to go to other pages such as Analytics, Monitor, Task Mining, BPA, and Administration in IBM Process Mining. Note: The Administration page is available only if the current login credentials has admin rights. |
3 | You can use the Create process button to launch the create process flow wizard. |
4 | The Recent processes pane in the Processes dashboard indicates the latest four recently opened (viewed or/and modified) processes in the same tenant by a user using the current login credentials. |
5 | You can use the Filter by organization and Filter by owner features to filter the processes present in the IBM Process Mining. You can also type the name of the process in the search box to search for a known process. |
6 | The All processes table contains the status and details of all the created and shared processes in the same tenant group. See 'Table 2. All processes table details', to learn more about the process details in the table. |
7 | You can use the Items per page button to set the number of items displayed on one page of the All processes table. |
8 | You can use the Next page and Previous page buttons to navigate between pages in the table. |
Table 1. Processes dashboard elements
Process details | Description |
Process name | Name of the process |
Status | Status of the process: - Ready : Indicates that the process data and models are ready for use. - Incomplete : Indicates that the process data or the process model is not available or incomplete. |
Organization | Name of the organization that you have linked to the process. |
Owner | Name of the process owner. |
Data source | Source of data in the process model: - custom : Indicates that the data is from the custom process that you have created. - accelerator : Indicates that the data is from the process that you have
created using Accelerator. |
Table 2. All processes table details
Understanding the terminologies used in IBM Process Mining
A business process is a collection of activities or tasks that are related to a specific service or product to serve an established goal of a particular customer or customers.
Depending on its complexity, a process can be categorized as follows:
- Flat: When the activities are related to one main process entity, for example, an order or a ticket.
- Multilevel: When the activities are related to multiple main process entities, with possible complex many-to-many relations between each other. For example, in a P2P process, an order can refer to multiple requisitions or might be received in multiple receipts, an invoice can refer to multiple orders.
IBM Process Mining automatically derives a process model from the data. When you create a process in IBM Process Mining, the following mandatory fields are required at the Data Mapping step:
- Process ID
The Process ID acts as a distinctive identifier of every new instance. Depending on the process type, you can choose one element to be the Process ID, for example, it can be an order number or a ticket number. In a multilevel process, you can insert multiple Process IDs. - Activity
The Activity indicates the list of activities that are related to the process IDs. - Time
The information on time for each activity, for example, the datetime when each activity is completed.
You can also provide information on the following parameters for more insight on the process:
- Activity end time
Activity end time helps the system to provide an analysis of the activity service time, for example, the time that is required for an activity to complete. - Resource and role
You can include the information so that the system automatically provides an activity map and a social network analysis of the resources. - Relevant data
IBM Process Mining can use the information to extend and compute advanced statistics, provide root-cause analyses, and prompt the decision rules of the process.
A case is an instance of a process.
In flat processes, each different process-id defines a new case. For example, in a ticketing process, you can relate case to a specific ticket number.
In multilevel processes, each different combination of process-ids defines a new case. For example, consider a process in which two orders are received at two different moments but are registered in a unique invoice, then it is considered as one single case.
Activity and event
An event occurs every time an activity of the process is performed.
Process variant
A process variant is a unique path that a case takes to cross the process (from the start to the end). Being able to analyze different variants is important to identify, for example, common deviations (regarding a normative model) and inefficiencies.