Installing the Task Mining Agent

To install Task Mining Agent (TM Agent), perform the following steps:

  1. Download the TM Agent into your system by following the steps mentioned in IBM Process Mining Passport Advantage part numbers for IBM Task Mining client installation packages.

  2. Run the file to open the IBM Task Mining Agent Prerequisite Setup window.

  3. Click Accept and Install if you agree with the prerequisite license terms.

    Pre-requisite terms

  4. When you complete the setup progress, follow the steps in the IBM Task Mining Agent Setup wizard.

  5. In the Task mining endpoint box, type the URL of the IBM Process Mining service, for example, https://PM_HOST/. To get the URL of the TM Agent endpoint, contact your system administrator.

    ⓘ Note: If you want the agent to connect to the IBM Task Mining component that is installed in IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation, you must use the connection URL using the location of the route named cpd. For example, if the route cpd is located in https://cpd-mynamespace.<CLUSTER_DOMAIN>, then the IBM Process Mining service URL is https://cpd-mynamespace.<CLUSTER_DOMAIN>/processmining/.

  6. Check if the endpoint installation was successful clicking the Check button before you press Next. Upon a successful check, a "Tested successful!" notification is displayed such as in the following image. If your endpoint is insecure, the notification indicates that the provided endpoint is untrusted. You can still click Yes to proceed.

    Pre-requisite terms

  7. To change the destination folder that TM Agent is installed to, click the Change... button. Otherwise, you can keep it at the default location.

  8. Click Finish to complete the agent installation.

Installing plug-ins for web browser

To register tasks and events on web applications, you must install the IBM Task Mining plug-in on your browser. Use the following steps to install the IBM Task Mining plug-in on your browser:

  1. Start the agent.
  2. An "Optional" window appears prompting you to install browser extensions to improve the accuracy of the data you are recording. Prompt to install Task Mining Agent browser extensions
  3. To install the web browser, plug-in, click the icon corresponding to the required web browser, either Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge.
  4. A web page opens and allows you to install the extension directly on the browser. For example, the Chrome plug-in is
  5. Restart the Task Mining agent after installing the plug-in.

To ensure the agent works properly, it is recommended to exclude the following folders and subfolders from antivirus checks:

  • C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\IBM Task Mining Agent
  • C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\Temp\

Installing Task Mining Agent from command line

Use the following steps to install the Task Mining agent in silent mode from the command line:

  1. Open a DOS window as administrator by opening the Windows app "Run", and typing in cmd.

  2. Type the following command.

    msiexec /i <installer_file_msi> /log <log_file_txt> /quiet TM_ENDPOINT=<task_mining_url> ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERTIFICATE=false

    The TM_ENDPOINT parameter indicates the URL of the IBM Task Mining service.

    The parameter ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_CERTIFICATE is a flag (true | false) that allows the use of untrusted HTTPS certificates. You can set the value to true only if the installation in performed in a nonproduction environment. In all other instances, set the value of the parameter to false.

  3. If you want to change the endpoint parameter or allow untrusted certificates flag, you can edit the "agentOptions" appsettings.json.

    ⓘ Tip:

    • By default, the file path is: C:\Program Files\IBM Task Mining Agent\appsettings.json

    "agentOptions": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "allowUntrustedCertificate": false,
        "openrpaChromeExtensionId": "hpnihnhlcnfejboocnckgchjdofeaphe",
        "myinvenioChromeExtensionId": "gmpnnjghibofefmnppkgkadiijlblhia",
        "ibmChromeExtensionId": "ikgbbcgkljolbooedlbifopnmecdbphk"

Log files

TM Agent stores the log files in the following directory: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\IBM Task Mining Agent\logs. The logging level is configurable, with types of information listed in the following table, with a sample log below.

Parameter Description
Allowed Apps A list of apps to be monitored.
Blocked Apps A list of apps to be blocked.
AllowedUris A list of allowed Uris to be monitored
Blocked Uris A list of Uris to be blocked.
System Encryption Options The type of encryption used, as well as a timestamp of the encryption
Activity Writer Options Options displayed for the Rolling Disabled, as well as the RollingThreshold
SAP Plugin Disabled A boolean whether the SAP Plugin is enabled or not
2023-03-22 08:46:52,364 INFO  EmbeddedAppServer - HTTP listener successfully started
2023-03-22 08:46:52,373 INFO  AgentOptions - Name: IBM Task Mining Agent
2023-03-22 08:46:52,374 INFO  AgentOptions - Version:
2023-03-22 08:46:52,374 INFO  AgentOptions - Path: C:\Users\003294758\AppData\Roaming\IBM Task Mining Agent
2023-03-22 08:46:52,374 INFO  AgentOptions - Endpoint:
2023-03-22 08:46:52,374 INFO  AgentOptions - AllowUntrustedCertificate: False
2023-03-22 08:46:54,713 INFO  AppWindow - '': Initializing WebView
2023-03-22 08:46:55,376 INFO  AppWindow - '': WebView initialized successfully
2023-03-22 08:46:56,729 INFO  AppWindow - '': Initializing WebView
2023-03-22 08:46:56,864 INFO  AppWindow - '': WebView initialized successfully
2023-03-22 08:47:39,382 INFO  AppWindow - '': Initializing WebView
2023-03-22 08:47:39,527 INFO  AppWindow - '': WebView initialized successfully
2023-03-22 08:47:40,527 INFO  WindowHostObject - 'recorder' width and height set to: 390x232
2023-03-22 08:47:41,527 INFO  WindowHostObject - 'recorder' minWidth and minHeight set to: 0x0
2023-03-22 08:47:43,527 INFO  WindowHostObject - 'recorder' resize mode set to: 'NoResize'



Monitoring List:
	Name: "CalculatorApp" TitleMatcher: "" Selectors: "" 
	Name: "chrome" TitleMatcher: "" Selectors: "" 
	Name: "saplogon" TitleMatcher: "" Selectors: "" 
	Uri: "" DnsSafeHost: "" CheckAbsoluteUri: False
	Uri: "" DnsSafeHost: "" CheckAbsoluteUri: False
	Uri: "" DnsSafeHost: "" CheckAbsoluteUri: True
Session Encryption Options:
Key=32 Timestamp=3/9/2023 8:25:17 AM +00:00
Activity Writer Options:
RollingDisabled=False RollingThreshold=2.93 MB
Plugin Options:
SAP Plugin Disabled:False

