Basic setup
Distribution package
The installation package for IBM Task Mining is available in the file, taskminer_setup_X.Y.Z.tar.gz.
By using the login credentials, you can download the installation package from the IBM website. You must replace the denotations, X, Y, Z with the release numbers to get the accurate URL.
Installing NGINX
NGINX is a recommended tool for production environments.
ⓘ Note: You need to install NGINX only if IBM Task Mining is installed on a different server than IBM Process Mining.
Use the following script to install NGINX:
``` {: codeblock}
apt-get install -y nginx
Application installation
Run the following steps to install the application:
Unpack the application archive to create the
directory. Ensure that the<TM_HOME>
directory is created in the/opt /opt sudo tar xvf taskminer_setup_1.12.0_0672498.tar.gz
As illustrated in the figure, the created
directory includes the various folders:- Bin
Executable files for start and stop applications - Conf
Configuration file - Data
Folder to store and process the files that are pushed by Task Mining Agent. It is suggested to configure this folder in a separated volume. - Database
Script for database creation - Logs
Logs files that are produced by scheduled job - Tomcat/log
Log produced by web application
- Bin
Create the use RUNAS user.
sudo adduser taskminer
Change the owner of
to the RUNAS user.sudo chown -R taskminer:taskminer <TM_HOME>/
Optional: Allocate the run rights to shell scripts.
chmod +x /opt/taskminer/tomcat/bin/*.sh chmod +x /opt/taskminer/bin/*.sh
⚠ Important: By default, <TM_HOME>
refers to: /opt/taskminer
. If the actual location is different, you must update the correct location in the configuration file.
Database installation
Default database is IBM Db2 database (v11.5 or later). Optionally you can select the database as MySQL (8.x.y).
Database instance must be up and running before proceeding. The minimum storage requirement for IBM Db2 database is 20 GB. You use the standard setup procedure based on your operating system.
You also need to create the database that you need to use for the IBM Task Mining.
The application automatically runs the DDL statements. Hence, you need not manually run the SQL query.
Note: To upgrade MySQL from previous versions to 8.x.y, use the instructions that are provided in the Upgrading MySQL.
⚠ Warning for Mysql: The global parameter “sql_mode” must contain the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
option: SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'))
Basic configuration
Use the following steps to complete the basic configuration of IBM Task Mining:
- Edit the file
and replace the placeholders with actual values, according to your operating environment:
Parameter | Description | Example |
The database type, which is either Db2 or mysql | Db2 |
Database host | |
Database port, 3306 for mysql or 50000 for Db2 | 50000 |
Database name | pmdb |
Username | taskminer |
Password | Tmppwd_1 |
Only for Db2 * In most cases, the value is the same as the username. * Provide the value in uppercase. |
URL of the IBM Process Mining host. Leave this value empty if IBM Process Mining and IBM Task Mining are installed on the same server. |
- If IBM Process Mining and IBM Task Mining are installed on different servers: processmining_host= - If IBM Process Mining and IBM Task Mining are installed on same server: processmining_host= |
Secret passphrase AES 256 | 2A704F2073D88D9858A0007F18E73AA19E88033FB58DD61BCC99B4BA22858F8E |
Secret passphrase AES 256 | EFD8B222ADEF765282DDD7FB0E6B5C4648F28B549F04091577EED9B84AD5C9E0 |
Use the site, [ to generate a secret passphrase.
Select the encryption algorithm as illustrated in the following figure to generate and encrypt two passphrases, one for JWT and another for JWE.
Copy the JWT and JWE tokens in the IBM Process Mining configuration file to enable the communication channel with the target instance of IBM Process Mining.
Update the following information (illustrated in the figure) in the
By default, the files that are produced by the TM Agent are stored in the folder,
. -
You can change the property
to store the files into a dedicated volume.
Advanced configuration
You can locate the configuration parameters in the file, <TM_HOME>/conf/
The following table describes the parameters in the
Parameter | Value | Description |
anonymization.type | none | local | Setting the value to local enables the anonymization of private or sensitive relevant data. |
fpe.key | Secret passphrase AES 256 | Required if anonymization.type = local |
username.anonymization | true | false | Setting the value to true hides the username in not tracked events. |
encryption.type.server | none | local | Setting the value to local enables data encryption at-rest. |
Web application startup
Start the web container with the following command:
<TM_HOME>/bin/ start
On running this command, the web application acts as the TM Data Collector. It is important to start this component before TM Data Processor and TM Task Miner.
Configuring MySQL Java Connector for Task Mining
⚠ Important: This step is mandatory if you use MySQL as the default database. You must use the MySQL Java connector and configure IBM Task Mining to use the connector.
Use the following commands to configure IBM Task Mining to bypass FOSS exception and use the MySQL Java connector:
#Download of 8.0.29 mysql java connector
curl > mysql-connector-java-8.0.29.jar
#Copy the library and restart TOMCAT
export TM_HOME=/opt/taskminer
$TM_HOME/bin/ stop
cp mysql-connector-java-8.0.29.jar $TM_HOME/tomcat/lib/
$TM_HOME/bin/ start
#Search of current PROCESSOR process and kill
ps -ax | grep
kill <pid>
#Edit of to add mysql library in the classpath
vi $TM_HOME/bin/
#Uncomment this line
#Search of current MINER process and kill
ps -ax | grep
kill <pid>
#Edit of to add mysql library in the classpath
vi $TM_HOME/bin/
#Uncomment this line
Application Uninstallation
Use the following steps to uninstall the application:
- Stop all the services.
<TM_HOME>/bin/ stop
<TM_HOME>/bin/ stop
<TM_HOME>/bin/ stop
- Delete or rename <TM_HOME> folder.
Trusting the server channel
Use the following steps to complete the process:
- Import the CA certificate in the keystore as a trusted certificate to ensure a correct communication from IBM Task Mining to IBM Process Mining.
cd <TM_HOME>/ibm-openjdk-semeru/bin
./keytool -import -keystore
../lib/security/cacerts -trustcacerts -alias "My Custom Server CA" -file /home/pm/cert/rootCA.pem
(password is: changeit)
⚠ Important:
- The certificate (rootCA) to use for this step is the same one used for IBM Process Mining.
- The rootCA certificate installation is required only if a self-signed certificate is configured.
- Restart Tomcat