Using the model conformance

Using the Model conformance panel, it is possible to do a visual conformance check between the data-derived model and the reference model. You can also compare both the models to analyze the similarities and the differences between the models.

You can visualize the following fitness and conformance indicators by using the Model conformance panel:

  • Similarity: Indicates the percentage of similarity between the data-derived model and the reference model.
  • Fitness: Indicates the percentage of represented cases in the data-derived model.
  • Minimum fitness: Indicates the percentage of least similar cases when you compare the data-derived model to a reference model.
  • Maximum fitness: Indicates the percentage of most similar cases when you compare the data-derived model to a reference model.

Note: The process model might hide some of the cases based on the activity and relation complexities that are selected in the Model detail section of the View options panel. The values for Fitness, Minimum fitness, and Maximum fitness varies based on the value for activity and relation complexity.

You can use the Model conformance panel to perform the following tasks:

Upload a reference model

To use the features of the Model Conformance panel, the selected must include a reference model. You can upload a reference model only if you are the owner of the process.

You can use the following steps to upload a reference model:

  1. In the visualization tab, click Conformance to view the Model conformance panel.

    Model conformance Figure 1: Model Conformance panel

  2. In the Model conformance panel, click Upload reference model.

  3. In the Add reference model dialog box, choose the option to upload the file, add the file, and then click Add reference model.

    Add reference model Figure 2: Add reference model

Important: You can upload a reference model to a process only if you are the owner of the process. If you are using a shared process that does not include a reference model, then the Model Conformance panel displays a message as illustrated in the following figure:

Shared process with no reference model Figure 3: Model Conformance panel of a shared process that does not have a reference model

Visualize the process based on the selected model

You can use the following steps to visualize the process based various models:

  1. In the visualization tab, click Conformance to view the Model conformance panel.

    Model conformance Figure 4: Data in Model conformance panel

  2. In the Model view options section of the Model conformance panel, perform any one of the following steps:

    • Click Data derived model to visualize the process model for the created process.
    • Click Reference model to visualize the activities in the reference model.
    • Click Compare both models to visualize the differences that are observed in the data derived model when compared to the reference model.

    Model conformance selection Figure 5: Options in Model conformance panel

    ⓘ Important: When you select the Compare both models model view, a Compare both models legend appears in the process area. You can use the Compare both models legend to view the following information:

    • A red box or arrow in the process model indicates that the activity or transition is present only for the data derived model.
    • A yellow box or arrow in the process model indicates that the activity or transition is present only in the reference model.
    • A blue box, both dark and light color variant, indicates that the activity is present in both the models.
    • A black arrow indicates that the transition is present in both the models.

Analyze the conformant cases

You can use the Conformant cases section in the Model conformance panel to view the following information:

  • Number of conformant and non-conformant cases
    A case is called conformant when every activity is compliant to the reference model.

  • Steps per case
    Indicates the average number of steps per case for both conformant and non-conformant cases.

  • Case cost (Unit of currency)
    Indicates the average case cost for both conformant and non-conformant cases and indicates the unit of currency that is selected in the Manage tab.

  • Average case lead time
    Indicates the average throughput time of both conformant and non-conformant cases.

    Conformant cases

    Figure 6: Analysis of Conformant and Non-Conformant data

Analyze the conformance of custom metrics

In the "Model conformance" panel, you can analyze the averages of the Conformant and Non-conformant results of the custom metric with the Numeric data type.

Conformant custom metric cases

Figure 7: Analysis of Conformant and Non-Conformant data

ⓘ Important: In the "Model conformance" panel, only the conformance statistics of the custom metrics with the Numeric data type are displayed.

Analyze the deviations

You can use the Reference model deviations section in the Model conformance panel to analyze the deviations in the data derived model. These deviations can include unexpected activities, unexpected initial activities, and unexpected process flows.

The Reference model deviations section provides the following information:

  • The percentage of deviation that occurs in the process variants.
  • The number of cases in which the deviation occurs.
  • The count of activities that the process has on an average when the deviation occurs.
  • The average cost of the cases in which the deviation occurs.
  • The average throughput time of the cases in which the deviation occurs.

You can use the following step to view the deviation values:

  • In the Deviations list of the Reference model deviations section, click one or all of the following checkboxes:
    • Unexpected activities to visualize the complete list of unexpected activities or steps in the process model.

    • Unexpected initial activities to visualize the complete list of unexpected initial steps in the process model.

    • Unexpected process flow to visualize the complete list of unexpected process flows in the process model.

      Reference model deviation

      Figure 8: Reference model deviations

View the root cause analysis

In the Reference model deviation section, you can select a specific unexpected activity or process flow and view information that is related to potential root cause.

For every detected root-cause condition, you can view the following information:

  • Frequency of cases: Indicates the percentage of cases where the root-cause is verified when compared to the total number of cases where the deviation occurs.
  • Correlation strength: Indicates whether the correlation strength is strong, medium, or weak.

Note that the strength of the correlation is reduced for the following cases:

  • Lack of precision: Instances where the root-cause condition matches and the deviation does not occur.
  • Lack of coverage: Instances where the root-cause condition does not match and the deviation occurs.

You can use the following steps to view the information that is related to root cause analysis:

  1. In the Reference model deviation section, click the three-dot icon corresponding to the required deviation, and then click View root cause analysis. Root cause analysis

    Figure 9: Root cause analysis

  2. In the Root cause analysis panel, view the information, and then click the close button to view the process model.

    Root cause page

    Figure 10: Result of Root cause analysis

Create filters to include or exclude a case

Additionally, you can use the Reference model deviations section to filter a specific deviation and visualize only the cases that include or exclude the deviations.

In the Reference model deviation section, click the three-dot icon corresponding to the required deviation, and then perform one of the following step:

  • Click Create filter including case to visualize the cases that includes the deviation.

  • Click Create filter excluding case to visualize the cases that does not include the deviation.

    Filter options

    Figure 11: Filter options in Model Conformance panel