Startup Checklist
Steps for a correct component startup:
Web application
Check tomcat logs at:
. It must ends with the following: -
Open the following URL on a web browser:
You must be redirected to IBM Process Mining Login page.
After login, verify that the application opens without error.
https is correctly recognized by the browser.
Authentication API for TM Agent
Open the following URL on a web browser:
.Verify that a valid json object is provided.
TM Data Processor
Check the log file
. The content must match the following image: -
Check the log file
. No errors must be present.
TM Task Miner
Check the log file
. The content must match the following image: -
Check the log file
. No errors must be present.
TM Web Backend
Some properties must be validated and if wrong logged (with evidence) on log:
, andprocessmining_host
cannot be a host name (that is server1) but must be a Fqdn (that
); -
must be a substring ofprocessmining_host
Below an example of log:
2021-04-07 16:41:27.695 INFO 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== TM $hostname_auth value : localhost_auth ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.695 ERROR 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $hostname_auth , it is not a Fqdn ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.695 INFO 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== TM $processmining_host value : localhostpm ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.696 ERROR 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $processmining_host , it is not a Fqdn ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.698 INFO 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== TM $hostname_app value : server1 ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.704 ERROR 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $hostname_app , it is not a Fqdn ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.704 INFO 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== TM $validation_domain value : myss ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.705 ERROR 10008 --- [ main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $validation_domain , it is not part of $processmining_host ==============