Startup Checklist

Steps for a correct component startup:

  • Web application

    • Check tomcat logs at: TM_HOME>/tomcat/logs/catalina.out. It must ends with the following:

      Tomcat log

    • Open the following URL on a web browser: https://<TM_HOST>.

      • You must be redirected to IBM Process Mining Login page.

      • After login, verify that the application opens without error.

      • https is correctly recognized by the browser.

        Task Mining window

  • Authentication API for TM Agent

    • Open the following URL on a web browser: https://<TM_HOST_AUTH>.

      Verify that a valid json object is provided.

      Json object

  • TM Data Processor

    • Check the log file <TMHOME>/logs/processor.log. The content must match the following image:

      TM processor log

    • Check the log file <TMHOME>/logs/nohup-processor.log. No errors must be present.

  • TM Task Miner

    • Check the log file <TMHOME>/logs/builder.log. The content must match the following image:

      TM builder log

    • Check the log file <TMHOME>/logs/nohup-builder.log. No errors must be present.

  • TM Web Backend

Some properties must be validated and if wrong logged (with evidence) on log:

  • hostname_app, hostname_auth, and processmining_host cannot be a host name (that is server1) but must be a Fqdn (that is;

  • validation_domain must be a substring of processmining_host.

Below an example of log:

2021-04-07 16:41:27.695  INFO 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== TM $hostname_auth value :  localhost_auth ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.695 ERROR 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM  $hostname_auth , it is not a Fqdn  ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.695  INFO 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== TM $processmining_host value :  localhostpm ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.696 ERROR 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM  $processmining_host , it is not a Fqdn  ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.698  INFO 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== TM  $hostname_app value :  server1 ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.704 ERROR 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $hostname_app , it is not a Fqdn  ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.704  INFO 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== TM  $validation_domain value :  myss ==============
2021-04-07 16:41:27.705 ERROR 10008 --- [           main] c.i.task.builder.ApplicationStartup      : ========== WARNING ! Syntax error in TM $validation_domain , it is not part of $processmining_host  ==============