Activity working time


The average Activity Working Time is the assumed time to run an activity without interruptions. This value of Activity Working Time is always less than or equal to the relative service time, which includes interruptions as illustrated in the following figure.

Illustration of Activity working time

The activity working time varies depending on the manual or robotic execution of the activity. As working time for an activity might vary over time, you can define the date until which the specified working time must be applied to the activity.

From release 1.14.1, you can perform the following tasks in the IBM Process Mining application:

  • Map activity working time for each activity when creating a process in IBM Process Mining application. For more information on mapping the fields and creating a process, see Create a process.

  • Use the Activity working time menu on the Manage tab to add a default value for activity working time.

  • Load default Activity working time values from the default process.

You can use the Activity working time menu to perform the following tasks:

Understanding the elements

The following figure illustrates the contents of the Activity working time menu. The highlighted elements are described in the table that follows.

Activity working time menu

Elements Description
1 Indicates the column in the data source that is mapped to the Working time [ms] field. If the field is not mapped to any value, then the page displays the message, Activity working time not mapped in data source.
3 Use the Add default activity working time button to define an activity working time value for the activities.
2 Displays the activity working time for the activities in the process.

Adding Activity working time values

You can use the following steps to add activity working time values:

  1. For the selected process, go to Manage > Activity working time.

  2. On the page, click Add default activity working time.

  3. In the Add default activity working time dialog, do the following tasks:

    a. In the Activity field, select the activity for which you want to add a value.

    b. In the Value field, define the value.

    Note: The maximum value you can define in the Hours field is 24. Likewise, the maximum value you can set in the Minutes field is 59.

    c. In the Type field, select the activity type as Automatic, Manual, or Any.

    d. In the End date field, select the date to which the system must consider the defined activity working time value.

    Activity Working time menu

Editing and deleting an activity working time value

You can use the following steps to edit or delete the activity working time:

  1. For the selected process, go to Manage > Activity working time.

  2. To delete an activity working time, do the following step: a. Hover the mouse to the activity for which you want to remove the value, and then click the delete icon.

    b. In the Are you sure you want to delete the selected value? message box, click Delete.

  3. To edit an activity working time, do the following steps:

    a. Hover the mouse to the activity for which you want to edit the value, and then click the edit icon.

    b. In the Edit default activity working time dialog, update the values, and then click Save.

    Note: In the Edit default activity working time dialog, you can only update the Value, Type, and End Date.

Editing the data source mapping

Starting from IBM Process Mining release 1.14.1, you can edit the data mapping from the Activity working time page.

To do so, use the option highlighted in the following figure:

Map data from AWT page