Social net


Social net is a tool that helps you visualize the interactions between the resources to perform an activity and manage the roles of each resource per the activites in a process. In the Social net diagram, you can visualize the interactions of resources using two view modes, Working together (see 'Figure 1. Working together view mode') and Doing similar tasks (see 'Figure 2. Doing similar tasks view mode').

Working together view mode

Figure 1. Working together view mode

Doing similar tasks view mode

Figure 2. Doing similar tasks view mode

In the Social net diagram, each user circle represents a resource and the straight lines represents the interactions between resources that work together to perform the activities. The legend of the user circle colors gives you information about the roles of the resources. When you hover on any user circle, you can see all the interactions of that resource with other resources in the diagram. The size of user circle indicates the number of interactions by a resource. The size of user circle is bigger when the interactions between the resources are more and smaller when the interactions between the resources are less.

In the Social net tool, you can do the following tasks:

Viewing the Working together view mode

In the Working together view mode, you can see the interactions between the resources that work together to complete an activity. To view the Working together view mode, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Resource mapping tab after selecting a process in the Processes dashboard.

  2. Select the Social net radio button.

  3. Select Working together in the View mode dropdown.

In the Working together view mode, you can do the following:

Viewing the Case statistics of roles and resources in the Working together view mode

You can use the Case statistics dialog to view the statistical analysis based on a Resource or Role in the Working together view mode. To view the Case statistics dialog, click the icon filter on the Resource mapping menu.

In the Overall process section, you can see total cases and events.


In the View details for cases by list, select Role to filter by role, or select Resource to filter by resource. By filtering by resource, you include all cases in which the resources were involved. By filtering by role, you include all cases in which the roles were involved.

You can also enter a resource keyword or a role keyword to filter out only those resources or roles that match the keyword.


If you filter by role, you can see the mappings between the resources that belong to the role, and the activities.


If you filter by resource, you can see the mappings between that resource and its activities.



  • To include or exclude a resource or a role, click the Menu icon dot icon in the result list, and select Create filter to include or Create filter to exclude.

  • To sort the results, select Average case lead time or Frequency in the Sort by list, and click the Menu icon dot icon to list the results in an ascending or a descending order.

Viewing the resource activity logs in the Working together view mode

To view the resource logs in the Working together view mode, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Resource mapping tab after selecting a process in the Processes dashboard.

  2. Select the Social net radio button.

  3. Select Working together in the View mode dropdown.

  4. Click on the user circle for which you want to see the activity logs to open the Actvity log dialog.

    Tips: You can also export the detailed log to a compressed (or zipped) .csv file.

Viewing the Doing similar tasks view mode

In the Doing similar tasks view mode, you can see interactions of resources that work in the similar activities in a process. To view the Doing similar tasks view mode, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Resource mapping tab after selecting a process in the Processes dashboard.

  2. Select the Social net radio button.

  3. Select Doing similar tasks in the View mode dropdown.

In the Doing similar tasks view mode, you can perform the following tasks:

Viewing the Case statistics of roles and resources in the Doing similar tasks view mode

You can use the Case statistics dialog to view the statistical analysis based on a Resource or Role in the Doing similar task view mode. To view the Case statistics dialog, click the icon filter on the Resource mapping menu.

In the Overall process section, you can see total cases and events.


In the View details for cases by list, select Role to filter by role, or select Resource to filter by resource. By filtering by resource, you include all cases in which the resources were involved. By filtering by role, you include all cases in which the roles were involved.

You can also enter a resource keyword or a role keyword to filter out only those resources or roles that match the keyword.


If you filter by role, when you click a role in the filter result list, you can see the mappings between the resources that belong to the role, and the activities.


If you filter by resource, when you click a resource in the result list, you can see the mappings between that resource and its activities.



  • To include or exclude a resource or a role, click the dot icon icon in the result list, and select Create filter to include or Create filter to exclude.

  • To sort the results, select Average case lead time or Frequency in the Sort by list, and click the dot icon icon to list the results in an ascending or a descending way.

Viewing the resource interaction logs in the Doing similar tasks view mode

To view the resource interaction logs of the Doing similar tasks view mode, do the following steps:

  1. Go to the Resource mapping tab after selecting a process in the Processes dashboard.

  2. Select the Social net radio button.

  3. Select Doing similar tasks in the View mode dropdown.

  4. Click on the user circle for which you want to see the interaction logs to open the Roles and actvity log dialog.

  5. In the Roles and actvity log dialog, go to the Activity list tab.

Assigning roles to resources in the Doing similar tasks view mode

In the Social net dialog, click the Assigned roles tab to see the assigned roles of the resources. You can reassign the roles to a resource or multiple resources by selecting a resource and assigning the specific role. You can also export the detailed log to a .csv file or a .zip file.

role button

Example: Investigate segregation of duty

A company has a worrying performance on the order approval time, in its procure-to-pay process:

Procure-to-pay process example

The company investigates the root cause of this bad performance, and wants to check whether the resources that carry out the order approval belong to the Procurement office, a requirement for process compliance.

Through the Activity map, a segregation of duty issue is discovered: in some cases, a Secretary approved the order instead of the Procurement.

Activity net example

By focusing on the specific Secretary resource, in Doing similar task view of the social net, the company noticed that the secretary was indeed working with Procurement on order approval tasks.

Finally, to check whether the involvement of secretaries in the order approval was the reason for the bad performance on this activity, the company switched back on the model, and focused on Order Approved statistics.

The average time of approval when a secretary was involved was more than 2 days, but decreased to just over 14 hours when procurement is involved!

By solving this segregation of duty issue, the company was able to obtain a performant order approval, and save significant time on the overall procure-to-pay process.