Activity map
The Activity map shows which resources and roles are involved in each activity and vice versa.
Follow the steps to drill down into the map:
Move the cursor over a specific resource. You can highlight all activities in which that resource is involved.
Move the cursor over a specific activity. You can highlight all resources that are involved with that activity at least one time.
Note: Depending on the role, the resources are colored differently. In the All roles section, you can see which role a resource belongs to.
In the Sort activities list, select By name or By execution. Then, activities are sorted based on activity names or by chronological order in which the activity occurs in the process.
Click the icon
. In the Case statistics pane, you can see statistical analysis based on either Resource or Role for the Activity map.
In the Overall process section, you can see total cases and events of the process.
In the View details for cases by list, select
to filter by role, or selectResource
to filter by resource. By filtering by resource, you include all cases in which the resources were involved. By filtering by role, you include all cases in which the roles were involved.You can also enter a resource keyword or a role keyword to filter out only those resources or roles that match the keyword.
If you filter by role, when you click a role in the filter result list, you can see the mappings between the resources that belong to the role, and the activities.
If you filter by resource, when you click a resource in the result list, you can see the mappings between that resource and its activities.
To include or exclude a resource or a role, click the icon
in the result list, and select Create filter to include or Create filter to exclude.
To sort the results, select Average case lead time or Frequency in the Sort by list, and click the icon
to list the results in an ascending or a descending way.