
The IBM Process Mining applications requires the database, MongoDB 3.6 or later.

MongoDB instance options

You can use any one of the following methods to install a MongoDB instance:

  • Install the Community Edition on the same server as an application or a separated DB server.

  • Install the Enterprise Edition on the same server as an application or a separated DB Server.

  • Subscribe to the MongoDB Atlas service on AWS Cloud. Ensure that you choose the same region as that of the application.


Before you configure MongoDB, you must assign the following three MongoDB roles to the user:

  • dbAdmin
  • readWrite
  • read

Advanced DB configuration (for clustering)

You must use a custom connection string when using a cluster. The following code sample in the <PM_HOME>/etc/processmining.conf file describes a custom connection string:

	persistence: {
  	mongodb: {
	database: "<database name>",
	password: "<database password>",

    	connectionString: “mongodb://username:<PASSWORD>,,”


Important: The application replaces the <PASSWORD> placeholder with the actual password after the decryption process.

Setting up MongoDB for process app using URI

To set up a process app using URI, do the following:

  • Delete the following attributes in the <PM_HOME>/etc/

    # mongo configuration please update as per your mongo db detail<authentication database name><database name><database host><database unencrypted-password><database user>
  • Add the following attribute in the <PM_HOME>/etc/ file. mongodb://username:<unencrypted-password>,,


  • For Process App, replace the <unencrypted-password> with the actual MongoDB password.
  • Alternatively, you can manually set up MongoDB for Process App. For more information about configuring MongoDB for Process App using manual steps, see the MongoDB configuration for process app.