System requirements

IBM Process Mining supports on-premises traditional installation with a basic system requirement. For more information about the basic system requirements, see the following topics:

Process Mining

Software requirement

Component Version
DBMS MongoDB 4.0 or 5.0
Operating System - Red Hat Linux 8
- Ubuntu 20.04
Document Repository (optional) Solar 6.1 (embedded), EDRMS Integration through CMIS 1.1

Hardware requirement

Resource Requirement
CORES >=16 (minimum requirement for up to 10 million events)
CPU >=2.3 GHz, 64-bit, SSE2
RAM >=64 GB (minimum requirement for up to 10 million events)
Storage file system >=300 GB (minimum requirement for up to 10 million events)

Task Mining Backend

Software requirement

Component Version
RDBMS MySQL 8.x.y or
Db2 11.5.6.x or later
Operating System Red Hat Linux 7 or 8 (CentOS equivalent)
Ubuntu 20 or later

Tip: For more information about MySQL upgrade, see Upgrading MySQL

Hardware requirement

Resource Requirement
CPU >=2.3 GHz, 64-bit, SSE2
RAM >=16 GB
Storage file system >=300 GB
MySQL or Db2 MySQL: >=5 GB or
Db2: >=20 GB

Understanding the data remediation requirements

You must adhere to the following methods to organize and migrate data accurately in Task Mining:

  • Case 1: Using IBM Task Mining version or earlier
    You must install the version, IBM Task Mining, before migrating to any later versions of the application to ensure successful data migration.

  • Case 2: Using IBM Task Mining version
    You must install the version, IBM Task Mining, before migrating to any later versions of the application. However, you can skip this process if you are directly migrating from to later versions.

  • Case 3: Using IBM Task Mining version 1.14.0 or later
    You must upgrade the applications to IBM Task Mining 1.13.2, before you upgrade the applications to IBM Task Mining 1.14.0 or later. However, this requirement is applicable only if the Task Mining application contains projects with RPA snippets assigned to tasks.

Task Mining Agent

Software requirement

Component Version
Platform/Runtime ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0.3
.NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.3
Microsoft Edge WebView2
Operating System Windows 10 or later (64 bit)

Hardware Requirement

Resource Requirement
CPU >=1 GHz
RAM >=8 GB
DB Storage >=40 GB free, SSD recommended


  1. The TM Agent does not support the SAP/SRM web application.
  2. If you use dual monitors, there might be problems during the registration of the TM Agent. For this reason, it is recommended that you use only one monitor or record on the primary monitor.
  3. It is recommended that you restart the TM Agent after you change the resolution and scale layout settings on your Windows system.
  4. To ensure the accurate processing of the collected screen captures, you must use a display resolution lower than 4K (2160x3840 pixel).
  5. If your system slows down after a few hours of recording with the SAP application, you must restart the TM Agent and the SAP application.

Citrix Support

  • When you install TM Agent on a Citrix App Layering Virtual Desktop environment, the following folders must be persistent:
    • C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\IBM Task Mining Agent
  • For Citrix App Layering the following applies:
    • The user activity tracking is supported on Citrix XenDesktop.
    • The user activity tracking is supported on Citrix XenApp, if you publish the Remote Desktop.
    • The user activity tracking is not currently supported on Citrix XenApp, if you publish each single application.

Note: The steps for installing the TM client components on Citrix are the same as for a local installation on the workstation of the final user.